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PC Two Worlds II -TPTB




Games PC






2010-11-11 (by chatbars)


----------------------------------------------------- ####################### ######################## ####################### ######################## #### ### #### #### #### #### ### #### #### ### #### #### ##### #### ########### #### ######### #### ############ #### ######## #### #### ### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ##### #### #### #### ########### #### #### #### ######### ----------------------------------------------------- -------- The Powers That Be... delivers you: -------- ----------------------------------------------------- : : : Two Worlds II : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------- : : : Ripped: Nothing! : : : :---about-------------------------------------------: After the downfall of Aziraal, God of Fire, the Dark Lord Gandohar has nearly achieved his objective to disrupt the balance between the elements. Dark magic surges into the land to fill the void. Recognizing the potential for complete control over the dark powers, Gandohar starts to use the power of Aziraal trapped within Káira, the descendant of the Orphans. Despite her ancestry, Kỹra cannot endure the strain. With Antaloor already in his clutches, Gandohar concocts a new plan from his stronghold in Oswaroth. There are still those who struggle against the tyrant, hoping to shift the balance of forces in their favor. The fight for Antaloor continues... : : : : :-----how to play-----------------------------------: : : : 1...: Run 'Two Worlds II.exe' : : : : 2...: Follow instructions : : : : 3...: Play Game from Desktop : : : : Note* The game requires at least 6gb of free : : space to install.. If you wish to update : : DirectX then untick the 'Launch Game' box : : at end of installation.. : : : : Registry: If you change your installation : : directory, make the nessesary : : changes in the .reg file provided,: : 3 changes will need to be made. : : (edit the game folder locations) : : : ----------------------------------------------------- : dont dare to SHARE - SEED till Bleed : -----------------------------------------------------


  1. MFCzero
  2. Synergy
  3. ToeD
  4. Freeman
  5. TPTB
  6. rip
  7. full-rip

Files count:



3176.68 Mb




 Subzero! (2010-11-12)

you give boo your email for me, asap!

elturbo9077 (2010-11-12)

this is the real deal this is european version of this game the american version come out next year

knox666 (2010-11-12)

you are awesome thank you.

naga3 (2010-11-12)

been waiting fr this...awesome rip...

VeteranD13 (2010-11-12)

Thanks awesome and thanks also to the seeders good speed .

sharmila123 (2010-11-12)

I am stuck at 39.1% 0 Seeders and 100 Peers...

naga3 (2010-11-12)

man... i'm stuck too... wat happened...!!???

naga3 (2010-11-12)

at 39.1 % too...

naga3 (2010-11-12)

man.. i had an improvement... i downloaded .2%.. so itz 39.3%.. man ppl seed.. plz...:(

sharmila123 (2010-11-12)

Is this a

VeteranD13 (2010-11-12)

lol I'm at 39.3% @ 1kb ,wierd.

naga3 (2010-11-12)

no its nt a fake... tat much is certain...

naga3 (2010-11-12)

it has started downloading again...!!! whew thanks.!!:)

naga3 (2010-11-12)

thanks chatbars... guess u r d only seeder out der..

sharmila123 (2010-11-12)

Well so this is not a fake but yet stuck on 39.6%...please god help me put here
The other torrent from reloaded even wen there are 48 seeders my downloading speed does not esceed 10kB/s wahhhhhhhhh..

VeteranD13 (2010-11-13)

No seeds ;(

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

In case anyone needs to tell something beforehand for this torrent please tell .. thanking you sharmila

mahani (2010-11-13)

Finally finished dl about half an hour ago (yeah, I'm seeding like hell).
However after installation, I got an error-msg, that TWII wasn't installed properly. If you get this message uninstall and reinstall. Make sure, you got no other TWII-Installation beforehand!
Seems to work for now. Thnx :)

mahani (2010-11-13)

Oh gawd!
Nvm what I said earlier. I get a screen in the menus "A hardware configuration change has been detected. blah blah blah... please register online or by phone."
This is just SO frustrating. The keygens in the other releases don't work for me ("File corrupted! This program has been manipulated or maybe is infected with a virus or cracked. This file won't work anymore") and this release doesn't work for me either (see above). :((((

cyborg34573 (2010-11-13)

Is this release nuked or what?. I cant get this to work, i always get the "Game not installed properly" error. I checked the installation folder and its only 3.32GB installed, I thought it needed atleast 6gigs?, somethings wrong. Ive reinstalled 3 times in 3 different locations (Uninstalling before reinstall ofcourse), still no luck. Ive also used the registry fix and edited it to put in custom installation folder location but still no luck. Wtf i waited 2 days for this to download (very slow internet) and its not gonna work?, well thx alot.
If anyone knows how to fix the "game not properly installed" error, pls help me out. I dont feel like downloading the reloaded version as that would take a week or soemthing.

cyborg34573 (2010-11-13)

"Game not installed properly" error =.=
For some reason its only installing 3.32gb.
How do i fix this?

naga3 (2010-11-13)

same thing here...!!! ue freeman..!!:(

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

Any concerned person from TPTB please help us here and give us a detailed instructions how to install and play ... and make long stories short a complete guide on how to play uninterrupted.Thanking you

jagaa (2010-11-13)

I'm getting error "Game not installed properly".
Any fix ?

naga3 (2010-11-13)

one question... were any of u able to change d 3 changes freeman mentioned...??in d registry...??

jagaa (2010-11-13)

pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help

naga3 (2010-11-13)

this is d first game i have had to install wen downloading tptb help us...!!:(

naga3 (2010-11-13)

well... seeding now... but wat do i have to do to make it work...

mahani (2010-11-13)

Okay, I managed to play it :)
Here's, what I did:
1. Uninstall the game completely, using the unins000.exe
2. Install with "Complete"-Settings in default-folder (!!) ... should be "C:\Games\TPTB\Two Worlds II\" and default start-menu-links
3. start the game ... well, at least, it started for me
If you managed to start the game, there's the problem with the key. Well, just ignore it for now (Don't register, don't enter key). It will let you play the first chapter (tutorial-chapter). After that, the game again asks you for a key. THAT is the point, when you use the keygen (
in "cracks/keys").
If you have a problem running the key ("File corrupted... blah blah"), download and install a virtual machine ( i.e.), install a virtual WinXP and try the key there. That worked for me.
Hope this works for you as well.

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

Nope tried that twice it didnt work for me...
are you lying ????

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

Ok i want to ask that once we have downloaded these files do we have to save them in a particular folder or no...
IF no then why is the game only installing only 3.39 GB .. do we need to rename any of the files again to make it work..
mahani how much is the space occupied by the game???

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

DO we need tO restart the game after instALLIATION

mahani (2010-11-13)

What... for what reason would i be lying?
No, I'm not lying. It worked for me. Had my difficulties as well with all that "Game not installed properly" and just reinstalled about three times. It worked, when I left the installation folder at "default" so i guessed, that would do the trick.
Installation folder is 3,32GB exactly. (47 files, three folders.

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

Is this a stand alone version of the game??????
Ok so this is not a fake claimed by mahani..???
Do we need Reloaded version first??

cyborg34573 (2010-11-13)

Nope it doesnt work. Ive installed/uninstalled/reinstalled in the same default location more than 3 times now and im still getting that bs error. This s*cks

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)


sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

mahani i didnt understand by the default installation folder you mean C:\Games\TPTB\Two Worlds rite????????? I have tried it for the fifth time...
tell me one thing .. i tried installing in XP and Vista both wid SP 2 ... it a compatibility problem then??? which OS are you using

cyborg34573 (2010-11-13)

Nope , im done with this torrent. Ive actualy reinstalled more than 10 times now, still not working. This release is nuked.

mahani (2010-11-13)

Well, you checked the content of the .reg-file in your download-folder and made sure the lines point to the directory, where the binary is located and afterwards executed the .reg-file, right? (should be something like "DataPath"="C:\\Games\\TPTB\\Two Worlds II" and so on..)
Otherwise, I rly don't know what else to do on my end.
And no, it's def. not a fake... an uncomfortable and perhaps buggy installation-process but no fake.

mahani (2010-11-13)

Running it at a Win7 64b Machine.
Perhaps try installing the "Reloaded"-Version. It should work as well and install a lot smoother (not to mention the dl-speed is much better).
Still, you got to manage the keygen-problem, if it's the case. Use the above mentioned solution (virtual machine).
And only enter the key, when first chapter ist done and the game asks you for a key(!). Heard, there are some problems, if you enter the key directly after installation.

cyborg34573 (2010-11-13)

I have done everything i can to make it work.
Ive tried the default install location more than 10 times now and that has failed everytime.
Then i tried another partition (D in my case), And ofcourcse i edited the registry entry file. I Changed
""DataPath"="D:\\Two Worlds II""
""OutputDir"="D:\\Two Worlds II""
""UninstallFolder"="D:\\Two Worlds II""
Still with the registry entry fixed the game still refuses to work.
The game is certainly not a fake. But the installation program is just nuked, its not working properly. If you get it to work then you are VERY lucky, because im guessing it chooses to work randomly.

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

No i didnt understand registry part care to tell how to change the registry key thing...
thanking you

naga3 (2010-11-13)

I trust Tptb... it cannot be a fake..i think d instructions r incomplete

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

Hey the realoded DL speed sucks i cant even get a 35kBps speed on that stupid torrent god knows why i am so flustrated with this thing i am so wanting to shoot myself ... sigh man.. and being a girl my mom is going to taunt me and tell good the game didnt work as girls are not supposed to play such game... god knows YYYYYYYYYYYY

naga3 (2010-11-13)

game uses d info in d registry to start play uninstall d game... no registry means no playin no patchin...

naga3 (2010-11-13)

d game uses d info in d registry to start, play, n unstall d game... no registry means no updates no patchin nothin

naga3 (2010-11-13)

hmmm.. i tot d previous din get posted...

naga3 (2010-11-13)

hmmm.. i tot d previous din get posted...@mahani... do u have directx web setup in ur installed directory

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)

SO is anyone going to help fix this thing or no...................They TPTB... work out a fix for the registry and atleat give us
Mahani care to email the registry file to me on [email protected] since your worked it might just work on mine...
Thanking you

naga3 (2010-11-13)

@sharmila123.. wat do u get wen u click install directxweb

mahani (2010-11-13)

Alright... nuke that release. It's buggy beyond hope! Just now, my ears exploded, while watching a cut-scene. In the cutscene, I get a static-noise but at a volume that gives you a tinnitus for 10 minutes.
I'm sorry, TPTB but fix your release (including installation & noisy cutscenes) and then return :(
sharmila123: download from extremezone or Aitb... dls from them are always fast as hell :)

sharmila123 (2010-11-13)


sharmila123 (2010-11-14)

mahani i am trying to download from extremezone ... with 1.4Mbps connection speed by ISD i am getting an average of 30kB/s for the torrent from extremezone where as i got an avg of down speed of 150kBps from this one... i think too many leechers and less amount of seeders from extremezones torrent so basically i cant download with good dl speed..if you know how to boost up config please tell

boydoo (2010-11-14)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\FileSystem]
"DataPath"="C:\\Games\\Two Worlds II"
"OutputDir"="C:\\Games\\Two Worlds II"
"AppDataFolder"="Two Worlds II"
"MyDocumentsFolder"="Two Worlds II"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Installer]
"UninstallFolder"="C:\\Games\\Two Worlds II"
"StartMenuGroup"="Two Worlds II"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Interface]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Network]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\SerialKey]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Console]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\FileSystem]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Graphics]




[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Interface]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\SerialKey]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Reality Pump\TwoWorlds2\Sound]
Use that reg fix instead, confirmed as working

JoeKKer (2010-11-14)

For Any 1 Getting Game Not Installed Error
Apply This Patch To Make Game Working

cyborg34573 (2010-11-14)

Yep the regfix does work, Game starts now FINALY!. Jokers patch probably works aswell (hes a well trusted ripper so im sure its not malware or any of that).

sharmila123 (2010-11-14)

Ok anyone please upload keygen so that we can continue to play later

sharmila123 (2010-11-14)

JoeKKer ur a genius...sorry for previous matters i was despo but sorry really....
Thanks TPTB if youll can then upload JoeKKer fix in the torrent and modify instructions...
JoeKKer by any chance ur a software engineer???

naga3 (2010-11-14)

@mahani : U R A LIAR!!! it could not have worked fr u!!! n its nt buggy...

naga3 (2010-11-14)

@sharmila123: oh god... nobody's gonna give out any personal info... so dun bother... u should never have revealed watever u have revealed till now

sharmila123 (2010-11-14)


cyborg34573 (2010-11-14)

Hmm is anyone getting the static sound in some cutscenes?. I got a crazy static sound in 2 cutscenes now, first when the game starts and second when that girl shows you something and it goes to a cutscene. Is this a problem with the game or only with this release?

cyborg34573 (2010-11-14)

Btw anyone know if reloadeds keygen fix works for this game?. I only tested the game a bit , seems to be working but i know itl ask me to activate it later on , just wondering if reloadeds keygen fix works with this release or do i need reloaded release for it to work

chirssayscool (2010-11-15)

take this one its works gr8 after u install this one and its not fake

boydoo (2010-11-15)

this keygen works

boydoo (2010-11-15)

forgot to add... I used ^that keygen^ when i hit chapter 2 when it asked for activation.

rko36 (2010-11-16)

i tried using the game not installed patch, but im not sure where exactly to put the files.I put them in the games directory and ran the file and windows permission came up and then i clicked continue and it didnt do anything at all.What do i do?

rko36 (2010-11-16)

i tried using the game not installed patch, but im not sure where exactly to put the files.I put them in the games directory and ran the file and windows permission came up and then i clicked continue and it didnt do anything at all.What do i do?

rko36 (2010-11-17)

can anyone help?

bilek41 (2010-11-17)

i used joekker fix, but i have .exe error... why :( ?

candylord (2010-11-30)

I am amused by peoples incompetence.

 Subzero! (2010-12-03)

lol... its indeed amusing sometimes...

Sarge587 (2010-12-08)

I installed the game and what not, installation went fine, and I applied the reg fix. Now the game crashes right as a start it.. Any suggestions?

mdareeb (2010-12-17)

dude stuck at 84% plzzz let me complete it..
then i'll seed till i'll bleed

sander70 (2010-12-25)

TPTB is great. all rips work on my pc.
But this one don't!

Shiaken (2011-01-25)

Dont waste time download this torrent it wont work and no one seed any way just download this its from Reload 100% working then instal it play it in demo version then complete prologue and inserte license key trought phone activation its easy and playable :-)