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Discovery Channel - From Beirut to Bosnia BANNED FROM DISCOVERY






Discovery Channel - From Beirut to Bosnia BANNED FROM DISCOVERY




2007-07-03 (by derrida)


An example of how advertising and lobbying groups censor American news, this three part documentary by the famous middle east war correspondent Robert Fisk was banned by the Discovery channel in 1993. The films seek to explain the rise of anti-Western sentiment throughout the ?Muslim world? (from the Middle East to the Balkins, the range of the former Ottoman Empire) by highlighting the oppressiveness of Western-supported governments (Israel and Egypt, in particular) and the West\'s broader anti-Muslim racism. The Discovery channel pulled the films in response to a letter campaign by pro-Israel groups. Here is Fisk\'s summary of the incident from a speech at Concordia University in 2002: Back in 1993, I made a 3 part documentary film for the Discovery Channel in the United States, and also for Channel 4 in Britain. It was called Beirut to Bosnia and it attempted to find out why an increasing number of Muslims had come to hate the West. Indeed, the title was \"Why Muslims Have Come to Hate the West.\" We filmed in Beirut, Southern Lebanon, Israel, the occupied West Bank and Gaza, Egypt, Bosnia and Croatia. . . . In due course, we discovered that Discovery was being sent American Express cards cut in half. American Express being one of the sponsors of the original series. Discovery rang me in Beirut to say they were receiving lots of letters condemning the films from various groups. Then director Mike Dutfield and I heard that Discovery had canceled the reshowing. In an imperishable letter to Dutfield, Bunting wrote - and I ask you not to laugh until the end - quote, \"Given the reaction to the series on its initial airing we never scheduled a subsequent airing. So there\'s not really an issue as to any scheduled re-airing being canceled.\" When I read those words, ladies and gentlemen, I was ashamed to be a foreign correspondent. There are examples of these lobbying efforts by pro-Israel groups (and correspondence with the Discovery channel) at the following: VHS rip but the quality is very good. Part I: The Martyr\'s Smile:: This Films for the Humanities production focuses its capable eye on Lebanon\'s guerilla war that aims to liberate southern Lebanon from Israeli control. The scope of this tragic conflict is brought into sharp focus in this documentary through the use of extensive interviews with participants from the Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad movements, views of civilian casualties caused by Israeli air attacks, and photographic evidence of the ongoing destruction of life and property in the region. The viewer should be advised that this video contains some disturbing scenes of this conflict. Part II: The Road to Palestine: Another in the Beirut to Bosnia series from Films for the Humanities, The Road to Palestine provides the viewer with a glimpse into the ongoing conflict in the region around Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Through interviews with members of the militant Islamic group Hamas, as well as Zionist settlers and Jewish refugees, this documentary succeeds at revealing some of this tragic situation. Part III: To the Ends of the Earth: Another in the compelling series Beirut to Bosnia from Films for the Humanities, To the Ends of the Earth compares the plight of Muslims in Egypt and Bosnia. Though separated by geography and the distinct cultures in which they live their lives, this video reveals the feeling of betrayal by the West experienced by these two Muslim communities. Interviews with Islamic freedom fighters and war casualties shed light on the dynamics of the ongoing struggle for the survival of these communities. AVI File Details ======================================== Name.........: Part-I-The-Martyrs-Smile.avi Filesize.....: 446 MB (or 457,547 KB or 468,529,148 bytes) Runtime......: 00:50:35 (90,972 fr) Video Codec..: XviD Video Bitrate: 1103 kb/s Audio Codec..: 0x0055(MP3) ID\'d as MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio Bitrate: 123 kb/s, monophonic VBR Frame Size...: 512x384 (1.33:1) [=4:3] ------------

Files count:



1338.07 Mb




assface (2007-07-03)

looks interesting.

toofan (2007-07-03)

Thans alot

Fuckface Frankie (2007-07-03)

I think killing jews, catholics/christians would be a good idea.
They are no more human beings than the filthy muslims.

derrida (2007-07-03)

um yeah thanks for showing that your a nutcase!

derrida (2007-07-03)

oops you're a nut, not your a nut.
And BTW I'm half Croatian, so get fucked.

Todde@Swe (2007-07-03)

Oh MY GOD!!!
This shit will be the end of the civilisation as we know it, trust my word on this. THEN you can go fuck youself when you live in the forrest and have no internet to write this stupid shit on.
I just hate this kinda crap about religion.
Keep your fucking religion to youself from now on. THANKS!!!

stardude (2007-07-04)

Time for a perm ban for the ignorant hatemonger "karlfk555".

derrida (2007-07-04)

You people are reactionary cocksuckers. Chill out fuckwits. I'm NOT relgiously affiliated with anyone. You nazis however are.

derrida (2007-07-04)

And I'm fucking sick of pro-Israel propoganda. This is the other side that doesn't usually discussed. So fuck ya moron. Wake up and smell your own bullshit.

stardude (2007-07-04)

karlfk555: there is now an offence called Hate crime, under which people like you fall.
and the good thing is that most countries (incl. sweden) has strict laws against the behaviour psychopaths like yourself express.
n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse. "
your despicable behaviour is a threat to TPB and all its users.

derrida (2007-07-05)

Um yeah can you keep your crazed insane rantings to yourself?

derrida (2007-07-05)

Enough with the kiddie porn and conspiracy crap guys.

duhprane (2007-07-08)

Conspiracy?!?!, are you a fucking retard?

duhprane (2007-07-08)

This MAINSTREAM journalist states clearly during the show "if you believe in the New World Order, stop watching"
If you believe in the New World Order, - Sieg Hiel you pussy Mother Fucker

daMouse (2007-07-13)

A very good down-to-earth documentary that I also saw on TV(not Disc.) many years ago. Only political or religious extrimists would want to ban it.

1337speed (2007-10-09)


flipper-1980 (2007-10-18)

hi guys, looks interesting. pls seed. thanks.

alsmisao (2007-12-21)

I'am Palestine and proud to be Palestine and one day all the true of Palestine will know all whole world but maybe will be too late...
I don't know why all to muslim!?!
Now I live to Bosnia and Herzegovina (and here was a war between a ortodox - serbs and muslims - bosnian!
a bosnian did't have anythin to defendet but serbia have all army of Yugoslavia, and now we have a probelm with them!

gill_bates (2007-12-26)

IF anyone sits there and looks objectivly at ALL the worlds misery and pain - they are idiots if they can not see that Religion is the root of all evil - not just the cause of evil. Religion makes you feel subjugated and dependent, discourages free thinking and scientific innovation and almost certainly IS the cause of all racism.
So when you walk through he security checksd and stand next to the Dome of the Rock or the wailing wall and see what people are fighting about it makes you feel sorry that they have not been enlightened and unburdened of Religions weight.
Free thinking and the GOD is within ..... my opinion
Fuckface Frankie - you are probably the biggest in-bred degenerate ever to be giving the gift of sight, so why dont you take your dick out of your sisters ass and grow up and be a human being.

protfl (2007-12-27)

ortodox have to defend themselves both from
catholics and muslims...
all those talks about muslims had to defend themselves sound the same like in kosovo... wth... is bosnia a muslim country? u can try to assure me that war in chechnya was provoked by russians and muslims had to defend... not even taking in mind that dudaevs regime was a criminal one...
what will yanks think if somewhere in the middle of their great country there will appear an agressive fanatic muslim criminal state... they wont even think... they'll massacre them all like they always do
on the other hand it wont happen as yanks usually prevent such threats... but still... if u think u became independent after yugoslavia was destroyed... u r just blind or brainless...

al3zextend (2008-02-02)

I think it is nice movie. Opens vision to the truth.
Thanks for the uploader!

sunshain (2008-02-02)

Video is very high quality despite being ripped from VHS.
Just so it's clear, this torrent has ALL three videos not just the first one.

adreamer (2008-02-28)

it's usa and israel how are the terrorists....fuck them

Zareste (2008-04-07)

Muslims are not a race. They're more of a species.

stinkpants (2008-05-25)

Regardless of all the drivel posted below, Robert Fisk is an amazing fucking journalist. The last of a dying breed.

alsmisao (2008-05-30)

"ortodox have to defend themselves both from
catholics and muslims...
all those talks about muslims had to defend themselves sound the same like in kosovo... wth... is bosnia a muslim country? u can try to assure me that war in chechnya was provoked by russians and muslims had to defend... not even taking in mind that dudaevs regime was a criminal one...
what will yanks think if somewhere in the middle of their great country there will appear an agressive fanatic muslim criminal state... they wont even think... they'll massacre them all like they always do
on the other hand it wont happen as yanks usually prevent such threats... but still... if u think u became independent after yugoslavia was destroyed... u r just blind or brainless..."
NO bosnia is not a muslims country but we was here more than 60 % with croat we are more than 85 %...
but now a situation difrent and I will live for a day when the bosnia will be free!!!!
because Srb. Republic in bosnia is a in one hand OCCUPATION!!!
like a occupation in palastine!!
and in the last my post I tell that a bosnian people doesn't have a arms but a srbia have the all guns of Yugoslavia!!!

flyingpants (2008-06-19)

Nice job, derrida.
The comments here are terrifying. Disgusting ignorance and overt racism/Islamophobia.
Watch the videos.

Jockesse (2008-07-05)

It's like it doesn't matter. At the bottomline everyone wants to kill somebody just because they dont like the way they look, they live or that they are a "threat"...
Fucked up world, my friends of internet.

ganjaman95 (2008-07-06)

You guys miss the point of this mans' work. Stop being what you were taught to be (compartmentalized) and just be.... No decent person will join any one group that is called alienation. Thanks for the file "derrida".

Gr0v (2008-07-19)

If the rest of the world would just have let Hitler do his thing...

mippmopp (2008-07-21)

Fantastic documentary, everybody should see it! Maybe the best torrent on PB! :)
Thumbs up Derrida!

PwntSoup (2008-08-07)

in 1400 years of history the greatest thing the islamic people can come up with is a good bomb too kill children in a town square, yeah i am anti muslim, and for good reason, i lost family too an islamic group, and not on 9-11 or in iraq. if anyone can post something good too come from islam and its followers ide like too see it here. you can call it hate speach or whatever you like, i'm not calling for anyone too loose their heads, but i feel the way i do for a good reason.

Sektion8 (2008-08-15)

Thanks for the pro-suicide bombings video, your mother would be proud! ;)

Darth_Jerusalem (2009-01-05)

You are right, Muslims are not a race, but they are not a species either. They are the followers of Islam (a religion), the majority of which are Arabs (although people of other races can be and are muslim also).
The dark ages was created by the Catholic church, they destroyed libraries and banned the practice of medicine and any other higher learning that was contrary to their teachings, regularly murdering those caught practising any of these blasphemies. During this time, the Islam world was the seat of knowledge as they felt it was their duty to protect the advances the human race had made up to this point. I would imagine that this happened during the last 1400 years of history. I am sorry that you lost your family to a "Muslim group" and I could never begin to understand how that feels, but you must realise that there are fundamentalists on all sides, and they don't speak for everyone, just themselves (and more often then not, they also speak for those in power unfortunately).

sinister9999 (2009-04-02)

well said, darth. nothing to add.

DaddyHorseSense (2009-04-19)

Sorry Darth, at no time did the Catholics 'ban medicine' and at no time wqas Islam the 'seat of knowledge'. The Dark Ages are pretty much a myth, much progress was made during them, much of it in Europe.
The only parts of Islam that had any sort of light shining were in Spain and Egypt, and it was almost entirely the Christian and Jewish communities there that practiced medicine, philosophy, astronomy, cartography ect.
Islamic armies destroyed and looted libraries, much Classical learning was lost, a lot more was spread over Islamic nations by traders and those who saw its value. Most of the learning that Islam was fabled for (amongst liberal Westerners) was bastardised Classical teachings that had survived the primative desire to destroy which typifies Islam. Only as Islam was driven back in Iberia and the Balkans were the remnants of Classical works re-discovered and, under the Catholic church, were studied and learnt from - it was called the Rennaissance, something which has never happened in Islam.

MuerteSRB (2009-04-28)

OCCUPATION??? WTF!? I see you are calling 4 another war on Balcan!"Bosnian people doesn't have a arms". Why do you need them?? For agression and another ethnic cleansing? The Serbs in Republika Srpska are refugees from west Bosnia and Croatia! Theirs homes was burnt to ground and they had been banish from theirs lands!
Because of people like you, there will be no peace on world

hellisreal (2009-07-17)

God Loves You My Muslim Friend - Former Muslim Ergun Caner Testimony:

cymen (2009-11-21)

not that good documentary, the guy just scratches the surface. after almost 15 years in the ME i thought he could offer more. and correlation with muslims in bosnia... well, its really poorly made and looks like a patch to make the move more 'hip', because the documentary was made during yugoslavia wars. we all saw what happened in the end - the west supported all muslims on the balkans and they LOVE usa. so this documentary obviously didnt took the test of time

SEMTEXBHOY (2009-12-27)

torrents like this are idiot magnets, theirs always some anti simetic clown ranting about hitler having the rite idea and global zionist conspiracy's.
then their always some moron accusing anyone has ever questioned israeli atrocitys of being anti simetic and crying about how poor litle israell is the most hard done by country in the world.
just watch the film form your own opinion and keep it to your fucking self, no one cares and its not like your going to change anyones mind anyway.

meow_is_meowing (2010-11-21)

can somebody seed pls? its too late to ask, i know.. sorry

elias1997lello (2011-02-11)


alleasy23 (2011-07-07)

Everybody thinks Muslims are terrorist but we are not
I am Muslim and live in Bosnia
from the Denton there is a republic Serbia in our country witch they think they are so better
if you go as a Muslim to rep Serb. its like a Muslim goes into Vatican

thedarkknight215 (2011-08-15)

at above
well atleast muslims can go to vetican
can non-muslims go to mecca
oh its a holy site isnt it? and nonmuslims are not humans arent they?
u guys wanna do whatever u want to do in western countries but ban pony tail in iran for foreigners .
thats great gift from kind muslims isnt it?

MancFan (2012-04-07)

Are you dumb? I'm a white non-Islamic being... and I've been to Mecca. It's narrow minded fools like you and majority of people it appears posting here... that fuel racial & religious hatred around the world, which helps cause wars. I will say only 1 thing in everyones defence who has posted here... I may not agree with what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

hatepig (2012-05-15)

Wow. Explain ONE good thing the Christians did. You do realize Christians are responsible for MANY more murders than the Muslims could ever dream of? What muslims condoned and participated in the Atlantic slave trade? What muslims participated in multi continental genocide, like the christians of america?


1. Beirut-to-Bosnia/Part-I-The-Martyrs-Smile.avi 446.82 Mb
2. Beirut-to-Bosnia/Part-II-The-Road-to-Palestine.avi 446.21 Mb
3. Beirut-to-Bosnia/Part-III-To-the-Ends-of-the-Earth.avi 445.04 Mb