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Voice Recognition and Speech for Windows January 2007






Voice Recognition and Speech for Windows January 2007




2007-08-05 (by Huggybaby )


This is every file I could find to make Speech Recognition work in Windows games. These files aren't for talking to other people, they're for talking back and forth to your computer (text to speech and speech recognition). There's a good chance you'll need to run one of the SDK 5.1 files from MS Speech Enablers to make anything work at all, and it shouldn't hurt to run the VB 6 runtime either. The Voice Command part of the Plus Pack should work in place of SDK 5.1. Or, MS Office if you have it enables speech as well. Hopefully by then your favorite Voice Recognition software will work fine. Don't ask me how to make all these work, I haven't had time to play much. : ( !!! Game Commander has a weird custom installer, I think it's OK but I haven't tested this stuff. !!! If you like any of the software pay for it, and please seed this torrent if you liked it ! Put a thumbs up wherever you found this torrent, and support your favorite site! Seed me long time! Most especially, enjoy the heck out of talking to and listening to your favorite games! HB Files in this torrent: MS Plus Super Pack MS Speech SDK 5.1 Visual Basic Runtime 6.0 SP6 Flight Assistant 2.2 (in the Applications Section) Game Commander 2.0.014 (Latest version is 3.0) Voice Activated Commands 1.8.5 VR Commander 3.2

Files count:



235.45 Mb




 Huggybaby (2007-10-07)

NOD32 finds nothing...

Waltorhomington (2008-04-10)

Have u not tried GDI?

Boby1223 (2008-05-01)

This seems to be a good torrent.. But is it clean and real.. ?

gss9000 (2008-07-01)

vr commander patch has
Do not use.
Discovered: April 2, 2003
Updated: February 13, 2007 11:45:10 AM
Also Known As: Backdoor.GrayBird [KAV], BackDoor-ARR [McAfee]
Type: Trojan Horse
Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XP
Backdoor.Graybird is a back door Trojan Horse that gives its creator unauthorized access to your computer. The existence of the file, Svch0st.exe, is an indication of a possible infection. Backdoor.Graybird is a Delphi application.

H-Cyber (2009-03-14)

Well, I'll be damned... I was just checking whether someone uploaded Game Commander 3, and I found this torrent; then I read the description.
Nooo way! Game Commander with weird custom installer?
[frantic clicking and one minute later]
I'll be damn. It's mine! :D
Story? Once upon a time, some 4-6 years ago, there was this very swell place called, a place for all torrents Sci-Fi. Star Trek & Star Wars, Doctor Who & the original BSG, Blake's 7 - this site had it all. Someone then mentioned "Star Trek: Bridge Commander" which resulted with the inevitable mention of Game Commander as the most advanced and immersive way of control. So, I made a torrent. My first torrent. My baby. :D
My "online persona" in those days gone by was "The Borg Collective", thus all the plural and characteristic phrases; after all, I was catering to a very specific and familiar public :). Ah, good ol' days.
Soon after MPAA closed the site; the only thing left were forums, then reappropriated as a general Sci-Fi community forum. Now, even that is gone. Niteshdw now only lives in a memory of us few... Good old days indeed.
I here by can guarantee that the custom installer for Game Commander included in this torrent is completely safe for use; it uses a custom-built AutoItScript-based launcher that displays a message urging the then-members of the NiteShdw to seed, a big problem then (ain't it ever?), but not before asking you whether you read the "Assimilate This!.txt" file [Borg version of "ReadMe.txt"]. Then it proceeds with installation: runs setup, you choose where to install it, registers the program; then runs update to v2.2... and that's about it.
Now, I'm running a somewhat problematic install of Windows Server 2003, so setup process is just sitting there and going nowhere. It might be error on my part, might be my current OS installation, or the even-originally problematic and slooooow-to-start setup of GC2. Under Vista, I know my AutoIt Container will run as usual, but I'm not so sure about the original GC2 setup.
Anyways, all of this is explained in the "Assimilate First!" file. It ain't exactly your everyday release ReadMe file... :)
There's one thing that could be rated "dangerous"...
Just make sure you comply with Uncle Sam's request:
first, he'll ask you to seed. If you click "no", he'll urge you to reconsider; if you AGAIN refuse to cooperate (come on, it's a goddamn dialog box!) there's gonna be a consequence: you refused to seed, and he'll - as a result - delete the GC2 installation file, forcing you to download it again.
If you - however - respond to his plea, the installation will be executed and will proceed as planned.
It's a funny thing, really - make a copy of the folder after you extract it and try it; if you don't trust me, do in inside a Virtual machine or Quarantined zone. What can I say - I couldn't resist making it back then, and again testing it right now. The original scripts and files are still lurking in the deep confines of my HDDs. :)
So, that's it. I really must say it's quite a thrill to find out that something you made so long ago is still alive and well. :)

H-Cyber (2009-03-14)

And yeah, I forgot this one:
Do a search on TPB for "niteshdw", you'll still see a few remnant torrents, now running over TPB. :)

 Huggybaby (2009-03-14)

Awesome, thank you for the history H-Cyber!
I'm glad I could keep your installer alive. This torrent is getting old now but it keeps on going.
You know, it was hard as hell finding your torrent when I was compiling this one. :)

H-Cyber (2009-03-17)

Really? So where did ya found it in the end?

 Huggybaby (2009-03-20)

I don't remember, that was some time ago. :)

Jambokwadzo (2011-08-17)

Is there a chance to upload Dutch voices like
Acapela: Femke
Nuance Realspeak: Claire
Nuance Realspeak: Laura
Belgian Dutch voices like
Acapela: Jeroen
Acapela: Sofie
Nuance Realspeak: Ellen
That would be great!