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Jim ex Zionist-Christian. (dvd islam 911 bbc)






Jim ex Zionist-Christian. (dvd islam 911 bbc)




2007-07-14 (by Sayanim)


The main file of this ISO image CD (size : 302 MB), is an interesting interview with Jim who was brought up as a zionist-christian by his parents. (duration : 1 hr 15 mns) As an independant thinking adult, he had to re-adjust his positions in the light of what he perceives it to be the correct understanding of the christian faith and in the light of the actions of the so-called "state of israel". The following passages of the bible seem to have helped him see through the deception : --> New American Bible : Matthew, Ch. 23 : 29_ "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the memorials of the righteous, 30_ and you say, If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have joined them in shedding the prophets' blood. 31_ Thus you bear witness against yourselves that you are the children of those who murdered the prophets; 32_ now fill up what your ancestors measured out !. 33_ You serpents, you brood of vipers, how can you flee from the judgment of Gehenna ?. --> Bible : Revelation, Ch. 2, v9 : "I know your works, tribulations and poverty (but you are rich). And I know the BLASPHEMY of those which say they are ISRAEL but they are not, but they are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN". ============================================== While we are on the subject, let it be noted that one of the latest "prodigy" of the so-called "truth movement", *Gary Franchi* - who also goes by the nickname of "Lone Lantern" (a self-proclaimed "truth seeker" - , has stated his position and has defended it in the forums as follow (quoting him) : "We also believe Israel has the full right to exist on the land given to them by God, and should use any force necessary to defend themselves. Let's put it in perspective: five hundred million Arabs; five million Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. Case dismissed...As a Christian I know and understand the importance of Israel as a prophetic barometer. I also understand and believe that Israel has a God ordained right to their land... even to the Biblical borders." =============================================== Keywords : dvd islam 911 9-11 alex jones nwo malcolm x noam chomsky cat stevens yusuf islam empire of faith lone gunmen zionism ted pike bbc pbs iraq documentary jesus bible quran new world order psychology wtc world trade center cia anti-christ the illuminati vietnam september 11

Files count:



303.08 Mb




Torrentministern (2007-07-14)

Precis! Oy vey!

tomtomx (2007-07-15)

Mohammed in Sura 5:21 quotes Moses telling the Jews to "enter into the holy land which Allah has assigned to you". Haven't you read the quran Sayanim?

Torrentministern (2007-07-17)


assem88 (2007-08-05)

tomtomx, lol, that just shows how ignorant u are, if u bothered reading through the rest of the Quran instead of extracting random sentences out of context you would know that Islam has been revealed as a confirmation of what had been revealed to Moses and JEsus (peace be upon them). The people of those two PROPHETS were jews but not jews as we see them today who have rewritten and completely changed the religion to their own benifit just as the people of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) who call themselves Christians had!
Do some research and you will see the perfection of the Quran and Islam :D and Allah willingly you might just accept the truth about reality.

tomtomx (2007-08-08)

Assem88: Actually archelogical findings confirm that the jewish bible hasn't been changed by a single letter for more that 2000 years. Long before mohammed was even born (peace be upon his mullah's victims). Which of course doesn't stop it from containing a lot of outdated nonsense. Just like the quran.

lessthanperfect (2007-11-23)

What you state about the Torah may be correct. However, the "book" that has superseded the Torah or the Laws of Moses, since the 3rd century A.D. has been the Babylonian Talmud. It was much debated and thoroughly modified by the "sages" before it was finally codified. The Talmud is a despicably racist and supremest document. Perhaps you might do a bit of research regarding the Talmud and its importance to Judaism. Then try to defend modern day Zionism which is a direct outgrowth of the sick Talmudic doctrine.


1. Jim_ex_zionist_christian.iso 303.08 Mb