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Religion is Linked to Immoral Behavior in New Study






Religion is Linked to Immoral Behavior in New Study




2008-11-19 (by the_Phyrexian)


Religion is Linked to Immoral Behavior in New Study A Study finds The more Relgious a society is, the more Immoral Behavior is exhibited in many countries. "whoops.." Please leave a comment if you want, this is just to show what is out there... And before you go and spam, dl it watch it and make up your own mind... cheers the_phyrexian Are you a British citizen? Click here! (Petition to stop Sharia Law) there is a reseed section, read it / use it...


  1. religion
  2. linked
  3. immoral
  4. behaviour
  5. hypocrits
  6. christianity
  7. islam
  8. judaism
  9. atheism
  10. bible
  11. koran
  12. quran
  13. lol religion

Files count:



7.29 Mb




sistromo (2008-11-19)

Hardly surprising. Bible Belt denizens apparently don't go on the rampage, stealing, killing, raping and whatnot only because the Bible says that's wrong - not because it is morally wrong.

lodger111 (2008-11-20)

No, it makes sense to anyone who can follow simple logic - which apparently rules you out.
According to the wingnut bible-thumpers, atheists must automatically have no moral code at all, since they don't follow the "wisdom" and "teachings" of scripture.
On the other hand, I know not to kill, steal or inflict because it's wrong, not because "god tells me not to and I fear his divine wrath if I transgress his sacred commandments". If that's the only code you live your life by, then I pity you.

lodger111 (2008-11-20)

"That's right, all left-wingers are sociopathic immoralists."
Why are you actually here, Commenter? Other than to make yourself look an idiot with colossally stupid remarks like that? Good thing this place is anonymous eh? But then, that's why you spout your arrant nonsense here and not somewhere you could actually get yourself in trouble. Silly little man.

SHISOSHIN (2014-11-26)

children [!] please...
brains may be conditioned, and are,
by repetition of sensory input
to believe [ie, accept as real]
this, that or the other thing..
outdated simplistic term 'brainwashing'..
many, there are, have been and will be
who have broken the shackles of
mind closing indoctrination..
the earth is, as it turns out, not
flat, nor are there 'evil spirits'
within the blood of sick folks,
to be 'released' by bleeding them..
many believed such things as plain
and real truths, including those
with adequate brain function...
and yet, the thousands of recorded
gods and godesses are all of them
products of false assumptions
and misdirected imagination..
so long as they dont become
paedophile priests or terrorist
bombers, perhaps best leave
them to their comforting