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2009-02-23 (by AiTB )



Files count:



3158.63 Mb




dariuskzoot (2009-02-23)

finally ... one we can trust!!!
the other one up here literally ate my computer ...
I kid you not ...
it's simply riddled with viruses!!!

Derc (2009-02-23)

Thank you!

benoit1 (2009-02-23)


dariuskzoot (2009-02-23)

any word on the cleanliness & good health of this release??!! ....
I really don't feel like rebuilding my comp again tomorrow ...
why is it that persons that upload virus ridden files such as "FOXXWS" release of this don't disappear from sites such as this??
I think that the manufacture / knowing distribution of malware & viruses should be punishable by death ... no questions ... no exceptions .... plain & simple ... goodbye.
see how many bad files remain after we knock-off a few aimless wastes of DNA ...

towser06 (2009-02-24)

isn´t worth the download. first it´s interesting, then it gets really boring, always the doors (many, many, many doors), kill monsters, push the knob. in that order again and again..i deleted it from my drive.

momolbfr (2009-02-24)

its in french too :)) i think its multi

Flathill (2009-02-24)

Fucking trojan on this reloaded release!

Supaking (2009-02-24)

this in English?

pedjamusic (2009-02-24)

Thank you.

thefrozen999 (2009-02-24)'s seeded now....thx!

thefrozen999 (2009-02-24)

damn...the speed went down after a minute....from 85 Kb/s to 9 Kb/s....strange.

thefrozen999 (2009-02-24)

pavelbogdan, te rog omule, continua sa uploadezi, ca de la tn iau aproape tot.Azi si maine daca vrei.Fac cinste!

thefrozen999 (2009-02-24)

vad ca sunt ceva romani.Va rog si io sa imi uploadati putin, ca voi aveti conexiuni mai mari!Multumesc anticipat!

thefrozen999 (2009-02-25)

please seed!

Zephyr618 (2009-02-25)

My framerate averages around 35fps when I play this game on max settings. Yet no matter what I set the video options to, the game plays like its going at 10fps, its very choppy. How can I fix this.
Btw the game is boring and probably not worth downloading anyway...

Nanosuit (2009-02-25)

i can't unpack it.
i get the no files to unpack in winrar.

thefrozen999 (2009-02-25)

vad ca sunt ceva romani.Va rog si io sa imi uploadati putin, ca voi aveti conexiuni mai mari!Multumesc!

Nanosuit (2009-02-25)

i just downloaded the whole thing again and, it still gives me only 99.4% done. thats the second time.

Sharpy99 (2009-02-27)

terrible game i installed played for 2
mins and uninstaled
laggy poor gfx runs like a bag of s**t
i know its not my system
bfg gtx 260 ocx
ddr 2 1066
i can't understand why companys would relesae such a poor game i had such high hopes 2 oh well never mind just glad i got to try before i bought it
thanks again for the upload

Tenche (2009-03-01)

This game sucks

TizzleFizzle (2009-03-02)

i have a ati 4830 radeon and no matter what, i cant play cause no nvidia physx... i disabled it and everything but still wont let me. anyone have a fix?

Darcwolf (2009-03-11)

Dont listen to all these morons!
1. The game does NOT look like crap, it doesn't have the best graphics, but its average for todays game.
2. The game is NOT laggy, unless you have a POS computer, my computer eats this game no problem at max settings.
3. All the people whining about how boring it is need to shut up, like the guy who said he played it 2 minutes.... WTF! Did you expect instant gratification? Have some patience you noob!
4. I have only come across 1 bug, the color does wierd things if I enable shader model 4, I have to drop it to 3 and everything looks normal.

protfl (2009-03-24)

idiots suck. one of the best games of 2008 imo.

sirwootalot (2009-03-26)

what the hell is going on? after the dream intro, i'm caught in front of a shitty snow-spewing glowy blob, like the level failed to load or something. anyone else getting this?

spigadoro (2009-03-26)

really great game kinda laggy on my system e6750@3.2 4gigs ram 9800gtx oc but i have the settings on max (dx10, physx on, 1680x1050, max everything except aa thats off) and i still get 35-45 fps its playable i dident really like this game at first but i played through the boring beginning and now the game is really good oh and Darcwolf sm4 is dx10 and sm3 is dx9 so no your not at max settings and all the ppl who say this game sucks eather cant run this game or just have no taste in games and plz dont judge games on how it runs at max settings if u cant run it lower your settings and try to get past the first level

aahola (2009-03-31)

To all you people saying this game is laggy, it is because the game doesn't support multicore processors. I don't know what they were thinking but that's the way it is.
That means that only one of your cores is actually doing all the counting. And if you don't have Nvidia PhysX to take the countingwork from the processor to the graphics card then it is laggy.

spigadoro (2009-04-02)

wow you are right this game doesent utilise more than one core WTF its even on the wiki
"Cryostasis doesn't utilize multi-core CPU support, and thus makes it difficult for many players to play the game smoothly. This is uncommon as most modern games take advantage of multi-core CPUs. The issue has been discussed in the official game forum" well hopefully they will relese a patch :D

aahola (2009-04-04)

Although it does run smoothly in my computer:
E8400 @ 3.5 Ghz
Radeon HD 4870
4GB DDR2 800 Mhz
At 1680x1050 resolution, with some of the graphic options at medium and some at high. Anisotorpic filtering @ 2x

WarpWar (2009-04-07)

someone is doing a play-through of it.
it's worth a watch if you aren't sure of downloading it or not.

PredatorRules214 (2009-04-09)

good seed, at 600kb/s

 dramacore (2009-04-11)

very cool game, not really a run and gun FPS at all.
this is something more survival horror / puzzle based. it reminded me of penumbra games.
has an interesting concept where heat sources are your only health boost, in a frozen over world.
you have the chance to save people who died by entering a dream like state that lets you see what happened to them. its pretty cool.
game runs fine on my machine, 8800 gts video card.
installed in english, and audio/visual is english.

magicdragon_88 (2009-04-16)

wtf does anyone have the same problem as i do? i installed the game->applied the patch->launch the game->in main menu press NEW GAME- and then the game crashes to desktop with windows error message saying "Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." got an amdx2 4600 2.4ghz with 8800gt card...

magicdragon_88 (2009-04-16)

weird shit- my card has PhysX installed- and i see the option ENABLED in my nvidia physX control panel- yet when i close cryostasis it tells me that it cannot find PhysX drivers??

magicdragon_88 (2009-04-16)

nvm the game works now- april 2nd 2009 nvidia driver update did the trick

PredatorRules214 (2009-04-18)

got a problem hopefully someone could help is working but when I push options button it closes the game...should I try to find better crack?

Chaseace (2009-04-22)

Can someone help me out? I get a Securom error when i try running the game I have it installed but it pops up and says i need to insert the original disc.

yulatheterror (2009-04-26)

is this miltilanguage? can i install it in russian?
might as well if i know it

 TAKINI (2009-04-28)

This is one of the best games i've ever played.

wladis1 (2009-05-03)

does this require a monster to play or will a PC that can play half life 2 on max graphics with some lag play this game

NoFear05 (2009-05-03)

To all the retards having frame rate drops and lag for no reason, try turning off Vertical Sync.
Worked perfect for my after that.

adventurjunky (2009-05-03)

I dont get it while game runs but picture is not recognisable when playing

adventurjunky (2009-05-03)

reloaded when is crack for riddick coming out pls?

Waffl3z (2009-05-08)

I seem to be getting a bug. When I apply any changes to the original video settings it gives me a black screen. I can hear sound and hear the mouse going over the menu options but the screen is just black.

Mario_link (2009-05-13)

Hey people seed please!!!!

cobalt69 (2009-05-14)

riddick has been cracked!

baldboy31 (2009-05-23)

super speed guy's 700 kb/s thanx! will seed back! reloaded rules!!

Sharpy99 (2009-05-28)

i wrote
terrible game i installed played for 2
mins and uninstaled
laggy poor gfx runs like a bag of s**t
i know its not my system
bfg gtx 260 ocx
ddr 2 1066
i can't understand why companys would relesae such a poor game i had such high hopes 2 oh well never mind just glad i got to try before i bought it
thanks again for the upload
then Darcwolf wrote
Dont listen to all these morons!
1. The game does NOT look like crap, it doesn't have the best graphics, but its average for todays game.
2. The game is NOT laggy, unless you have a POS computer, my computer eats this game no problem at max settings.
3. All the people whining about how boring it is need to shut up, like the guy who said he played it 2 minutes.... WTF! Did you expect instant gratification? Have some patience you noob!
4. I have only come across 1 bug, the color does wierd things if I enable shader model 4, I have to drop it to 3 and everything looks normal.
first i would like to say i'm not a noob :) well not since 1987 when i got my spectrum 64k
you need chill out m8ty the comments are to help other people out i just said what my take was on this game

Sharpy99 (2009-05-28)

mmm thats should be 48 k lol

Dinger4 (2009-05-30)

could someone put up a step by step on how to get this game installed bc ive tried for 4 hours trying to get it to work, ive tried all sorts of ways with winraw and 7zip and daemon tool. so if anybody could help me out that would be awesome

Moretakama (2009-06-19)

@ Sharpy99
I have no idea what your talking about. The game runs just fine dude. I installed the crack (even after
forgetting to after running the desktop launcher), it runs perfectly for me on its original settings.
I have:
3.0ghz AMD 5200+ Dual Core
9600GT PCI-Express 512mb
2gigs ram, and running under windows XP.
here's a screenshot of my video settings:

I probably could run it at better settings, but I'll tinker with that once I'm more used to the game.
I can run it at playable frame rates without problems. I don't know why your having any. Perhaps you
should try turning some of the settings down, like AA and AF. Or like some other people have been
having trouble with, turn V-Synch off. I probably could run it at better settings, but I'll tinker
with that once I'm more used to the game.
As for the game itself, its not bad. Its kinda slow, and fighting seems kinda clunky and akward most
of the time. It is kinda cool re-living dead people's past though. Thanks alot for the torrent, was
really fast. No problems installing either.

Moretakama (2009-06-19)

Whoops, the link screwed up. Try this.

taiiat (2009-06-24)

the specs you decided to post are terrible. you barely explained how your system performs. i would go to assume that you have the cheapest core2quad, the cheapest card creative makes, and 512megs f RAM. not to mention those are not the only things that matter about a system. please learn things about a computer before complaining you lagg.

fernandodebrito (2009-07-11)

this game sucks hard. the worst. i played for 15 minutes and unistalled

Rysan7 (2009-07-30)

Where in the hell is the crack?
Ive looked everywhere there is no cracked directory.

jm3 (2009-08-04)

pls seed its taken 3 days so far and im only on 80%
i have been seeding it on max upload

owns_1 (2009-08-05)

you stupid fucks are pathetic.
"I played for 2 mins then uninstalled"
"It's laggy"
It might be true that it doesn't fully grasp your attention for a few moments but if you just give up and uninstall then you are truly the most pathetic human being on the planet. As for the lag, If you understood anything about a computer you would know why. For starters TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING ANTIVIRUS. Watch your cpu usage with it running, there is fucking constant spikes, It's terrible for gaming. Try running less shit that you don't need in games. Performance isn't just hardware, It's software too. I'm betting you could take a top of the line pc, give it to a dumbass like you, and make it run like absolute shit. Try learning a bit about what your talking about before you bitch about it.

jontecool85 (2009-08-22)

Sharpy99 just because you got a computer a time ago doesn't mean you are good with them, jeez.
you might aswell only be good for gaming etc, you moron.
go scam someone elses torrent

dfeated43 (2009-08-31)

When im trying to unrar the files with winrar i get the message "No files to extract". Whats wrong?

Creep82 (2010-05-08)

The crack and iso work perfectly.
If you're playing on Windows 7 and the screen goes black with just the sound playing, try reloading Direct X10 or playing it in XP mode.
Once again... great Torrent. Awesome game.

muscelnips (2011-08-01)

im lost what file am i sopposed to be mounting to my "cd"

muscelnips (2011-08-01)

this is fucking stupid there is no mountable iso file i extracted each of them into seprate folders and they extracted into rar files and thus begain a never ending line of extracting

Wixmef (2011-09-03)

Omg you noob, just unrar the rld-crst.r00 file and you will get an ISO which you can mount.
Nothing wrong with this torrent, don't listen to this guy. Great torrent, great game, thanks for the upload!

FlashyVox (2012-07-05)

@Sharpy99 You're a fucking cunt! What the fuck is wrong with you autist sack of shit??? If you talk like that all the time than get the fuck off the net you fucking autist manchild douchebag! And as for lags get yourself some fucking brains and don't jam up your OS with useless garbage, and don't buy gfx cards of ebay that has gt260 written on some piece of shit with permanent marker you twat. I can easily run this game on Geforce 8800, so stick you're fake comments up ur ass. Also this game is made by Russians that's the only reason why these pathetic americunts are bitching, if i'll see one fucking americunt in manchester i'll drown you in a puddle of horse shit faggots!

FlashyVox (2012-07-05)

No wonder americunts are fucked up, you download games for free and complain about it? If you don't know how to crack and activate than what the fuck are you doing here you stupid faggots? Buy the shit for a change. Also read the system requirements what the fuck are you trying to achieve on piece of shit system with cards such as 9800 or GT260. Where the fuck do you buy shit like that from flea markets? Get a job and buy modern hardware you fucking freeloaders.

SteXmaN (2012-08-01)

Great game(story,gameplay,intence/scary(shit my pants) moments) and yeah,game has some performance issues,but 95% of the time runs smooth for me,worth your time for sure.

surms41 (2012-08-02)

Great Torrent, Installing now. Seeded 5 Gbs @ 500Kb/s upload speed. :) thanks for the tottrent.
Great game, get into the story before you quit, the game does not stutter because of your computer (if you have a good 1) its the game.
The game was made for older PC's and therefore newer technology uses different hardware from the old hardware that new hardware has new graphic filtering that old cards did not have.

popovichh (2012-08-15)

Thanks, seeding atm.

hopedeny (2012-09-05)

there is a mod out there that is supposed to drastically improve performance. its also possible to edit a config file to run it in a lower resolution than what the game offers.

hopedeny (2012-09-05)

Americunt is a song by american head charge. and your all around, close minded condemnation of all americans is so trendy it hurts. i could stereotype you and your incomprehensible manchester accent and soccer hooligan antics... but im too classy to call you a buck toothed halfwit.

moviedude19 (2013-05-11)

This was the most obtuse, stupid way to upload a game.
None of these folders have mountable images (except the .rar file...and even then it wouldn't work after mounting).

moviedude19 (2013-05-11)

Alright, for anybody who's had trouble with this STUPID FUCKING UPLOAD, here's what you do;
There's one .rar file in the folder. Open it and extract the .iso. Open the iso and copy all of it's elements to a new folder then click 'setup'.
Don't bother trying to mount anything, as none of the fucking files work. You have to do this in the dumbest way possible.

danwat1234 (2013-06-05)

Well the game works fine!
I can patch to version 1.1. Get the one that is around 190MB in size, not 50MB in size (there are 2 varieties of patches).
The patch fixes bugs but also lets you turn on advanced physX.
But, I get about 10FPS on my Asus G50VT gaming laptop. I think I would need a new Haswell laptop with a top of the line 780m GPU to run this smoothly!
How did people play Cryostasis back in 2009?
Even with all settings turned down I barely get 20FPS unless I turn the resolution all the way down to 800x600.
Oh well, I'll play this game all maxed out in maybe 5 years with a 10 billion transistor GPU'ed laptop just fine I'm sure.

hopedeny (2013-07-14)

what is it about text that turns people into dicks? reading these exchanges is mind numbing.

hopedeny (2013-07-14)

This game is infamous for its performance issues even on high end machines. there are some fan made patches out there and if all else fails you can force a lower resolution editing the ini, but i wouldn't suggest it considering half the games appeal is the atmosphere.

Clewi71 (2013-11-05)

Runs fine on Win 7 x64 with GTX570. Install the 186 megs patch (reads 1.02 but is correct), this removes the Securom protection and improves performance. No need to install the crack. Then go to your game folder, open the config.cfg, under video settings make sure that the correct resolution is set in " =" and " =", save the file and close. Now right click on the game exe, go to the compatibility tab and set it to XP SP3, and disable visual themes. Now it should work.