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TinyXP 4 USB Drive






Tiny_XP for USB Flash or External HD




2008-07-23 (by Protocol22)


************************************************************************ * * * IMPORTANT : EVEN THOUGH THIS CAN BE INSTALLED TO FLASH DRIVES IT IS * * NOT INTENDED FOR SUCH USE --- THIS IS DESIGNED FOR EXTERNAL/PORTABLE * * HARD DRIVES ONLY --- THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL eXPerience RELEASE BUT * * MODIFIED BY Protocol22 TO ENABLE INSTALLATION TO USB DRIVES. * * * * Thanks To: * * * * eXPerience For Fantastic XP-Release Upon Which This Is Built. * * * ************************************************************************ This is Tiny_XP SP2 by eXPerience modified so it can be installed to an External Hard Drive, (USB External/Portable Drive) Why ? You may ask... Personally I run Linux on my laptop and when I need to use XP I simply plug my External (HDD) Drive into a USB port and Boot it up. But if you use Linux why don't you just install XP on VMWare or something ... Wouldn't that be a lot more practical ? ...(You may ask) I did it because Microsoft designed it Not to be done like this... What more can I say ? --------------------------------------- Files Modified in Tiny XP ISO (I386 Folder) DOSNET.INF TXTSETUP.SIF USB.IN_ USBPORT.IN_ USBSTOR.IN_ ADDED: USBBOOT.INF These modifications allow this version of Tiny XP to be installed on an external hard drive or usb flash disk. Also included are two utilities to "properly" format your target partition on an external hard drive or USB Flash Key. 1) lexar_usb_format which contains bootit.exe - This is useful for "flipping" a USB Flash Drive so that Windows will see it as a fixed drive and not a removable drive anymore - This works with about 50% of the Flash drives on the market. When using bootit.exe make sure to tick the checkbox not to copy system files. 2) SP27608.exe which is the HP USB Drive Format Utility to format your external drive or USB Flash device. ------------------------------------------ INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------ Burn TinyXP_4_USB_Drive.iso to a blank CD or DVD. Prepare your External Drive (USB Drive) : Format it as an NTFS partition - Installations on Flash Drives (NOT RECOMMENDED) are noticeably slower than on external USB Pata or Sata drives - You may be able to install onto a FAT32 partition on external HDD's but it is advisable to use NTFS for formatting - Flash drives have to be formatted as NTFS to take this installation. (They are usually FAT32 originally) Disconnect all your hard-drives on your computer - This will ensure the Master Boot Record is not overwritten on these drives - If you leave your hard drive connected the installation may well write the BOOT.INI file to the main HD - You need everything written to the USB Drive to enable it to be Bootable afterwards. Boot your computer from CD and install as normal - when Windows Installation reaches the partition stage you should see only your USB drives partition and choose this as target for installation. Once you pick the partition and start installation the rest is unattended - This is because this version is based on Tiny_XP by eXPerience (without driverpacks) When Windows starts for the first time you will get a Message stating that the PageFile does not exist or is too small - This is no problem - Simply go to Control Panel - System and than to Advanced where you can set the size in MB's for your PageFile - You should set this as recommended or 150% - 200% of your RAM - i.e. If you have 1GB Ram, set it for 1536MB-2048MB - If using a small USB Flash you can also opt not to use any PageFile system - It should run smoothly once the option is set. That's it ... When you wish to run XP simply plug your External HD or Flash into a USB port and set your computers BIOS to boot from the USB drive (Most Bios have option of USB-Zip and/or USB-HDD in advanced BIOS settings.) GOOD LUCK ! ------------------------------------------ These are the MD5 and SHA1 Sums of TinyXP_4_USB_Drive.iso Image file. MD5SUM : c8ba3acfaf9a71c9c8bdf36da5a3af5 SHA1SUM : 417bfcaf56afbc64acf6e56b441b631f21fe7f89

Files count:



286.41 Mb




Protocol22 (2008-07-23)


Hanto1952 (2008-07-31)

If this works as I hope it does, it could become a great troubleshooting tool against virii and trojans. I had two in the last 3 months that I couldn't do anything against except wipe and re-install. Not my idea of a lovely afternoon especially on OEM machines that create 5 hour installations for the OEM and trial software alone. Those companies should be stripped naked, tarred and feathered, and then banned from the U.S. market. I hope they're listening because many on those re-installations are not due to virii and trojans but are due to the mix of junk software they are putting on the systems to begin with. Of 9 re-installs on a Sony VGN-FZ140e laptop, only 1 was due to malware.
Now to something that the producer of this package may not like to much, why was the name of the file changed? I had to delete the old, almost completed download in order to restart it with this new name. I have the same # of seeds and leechers, but now instead of .875 availability, I have .075. Was I the only one with most of the rest of the file. If so, that sucks..

odus (2008-08-05)

this one has multiple viruses in it and also trojan, please be adviced.

Protocol22 (2008-08-06)

This is Tiny XP by Experience (SP2) - Created an ISO from his Fantastic 50-in-1 Ultra DVD and the only changes made to it are as stated above.
There is a project on the Net which deals with modifying XP to enable install to USB drive
It's a little bit of work to do and so I thought I'd create a modified ISO and put it on Pirate Bay to save people the trouble - also when a normal XP installation CD is modified it's more of a hassle to install as every driver on Network and component install comes up as not being signed by Microsoft so you have to click "Yes" numerous times during install - Not so with eXPerience's XP as it's an unattended installation and he has script built to expedite unattended intallation.
This is a Perfect Windows XP which will install to external hard-drive and/or flash disk - It works 100% and is Fantastic.
The Virus Trolls on PB really PMOFF -- Scanned with a Real Virus Scanner - ClamAV - Result:
Scan Started Tue Aug 05 20:36:50 2008

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 384049
Engine version: 0.93.1
Scanned directories: 2
Scanned files: 6
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 6.20 MB
Time: 14.047 sec (0 m 14 s)

Protocol22 (2008-08-06)

Answer for "ODUS"
ntoskrnl wrote "BTW, why was your old account (eXPerience33) with all the torrents deleted?"
You ready for the answer? Because of noobs who don't understand how UNattended installs are made.
With UNattended installs you hide command windows so it's a seamless process. Also, you have to kill a process when it's finished, because otherwise the owner would have to click "close" several times.
To do all that eXPerience uses tools to hide command windows and to kill processes. These files show up as FALSE POSITIVES in some AV programs, because those same TOOLS can be used by virus writers. Again, they are tools, just like a knife. You can cut a piece of brea or open a package -- or you can stab someone. noobs reported "trojans" because their AV gave a false positive.
One guy on another torrent site did it maliciously because he got kicked off the site where eXPerience posts (the forum at SnipeR's Redemption Network). He wasn't a noob -- he knew there's nothing wrong with eXPerience's releases but he was mad.
But we don't know for sure -- they just all got deleted one day and that's the best guess. noobs kept writing "trojan warning!" and others who kniow better would explain, then it would happen again on the next page of comments because noobs don't like to read either. :)

MsKryn (2008-08-09)

Downloaded and works, thank-you.

Tomarildh (2008-08-27)

Is it possible to install this version on a totally new hard drive from an external hard drive?

Learnings (2008-09-06)

To "Hanto1952 " and other TRUE NEWBIE:
Please know that I love to share and I feel hurt when I see people complaining about being hurt.
If you are good at re-installing Windows, then, you are good enough to USE TRUE BACKUP SOFTWARE = software that will make EXACT COPY of your working Windows. Why? So you will never have to REINSTALL again, ever.
The tool and skill to make EXACT WORK-ABLE COPY is reasonable and easy to learn. You can download for free at this community: The tool is a special class of tool called "Imaging software." The example of names of software are:
"Ghost" (by a company called Symantec, also known as Norton),
another tool is:
"True Image" (by a company called by Acronis)
Again, I feel bad for your Re-Installation of Windows. So, I wish that you will not ever doing that again.
How does the tool help you?
Today, if your computer is working, to keep a copy, please use the EXACT COPY TOOL.
Tomorror, if your computer is not working, you can have your computer working again in 10 minutes. How? By copying back the Copy That You Made. Meaning: no setup, no configuration, no re-loading software, no finetuning...
Today, if your computer can surf the Internet, you can type documents for school, you can play music for your soul, you can print, you can check Email, then, PLEASE MAKE A COPY.
I have been advocating for this Computer Copy for many years and yet, painfully, I have seen many people not knowing about the concept and the tool. I have seen medical doctors, pharmacists, teachers, engineers...not knowing at all and BEING AFRAID AT THE SAME TIME. Sad...Sad...Sad...Sad...
To "Hanto1952 " and other TRUE NEWBIE:
Please know that I love to share and I feel hurt when I see people complaining about being hurt by viruses and re-setup Windows. You can do better.
If you are good at re-installing Windows, then, you are good enough to USE TRUE BACKUP SOFTWARE = software that will make EXACT COPY of your working Windows. Why? So you will never have to REINSTALL again, ever.
The tool and skill to make EXACT WORK-ABLE COPY is affordable and easy to learn. You can download for free at this community: The tool is a special class of tool called "Imaging software." The examples of names of software are:
"Ghost" (by a company called Symantec, also known as Norton),
Another tool is:
"True Image" (by a company called by Acronis)
Again, I feel bad for your Re-Installation of Windows. So, I wish that you will not ever doing that again.
How does the tool help you?
Today, if your computer is working, to keep a copy, please use the EXACT COPY TOOL.
Tomorrow, if your computer is not working, you can have your computer working again in 10 minutes. How? By copying back the Copy That You Made. Meaning: no setup, no configuration, no re-loading software, no fine-tuning...
Today, if your computer can surf the Internet, you can type documents for school, you can print, you can play music for your soul, you can check Email, then, PLEASE MAKE A COPY BEFORE a virus comes in, which will happen even if you have anti-virus.
I have been advocating for this idea of Computer Copy for many years and yet, painfully, I have seen many people not knowing about the concept and the tool. I have seen medical doctors, pharmacists, teachers, engineers...not knowing at all and BEING AFRAID AT THE SAME TIME. Sad...Sad...Sad...Sad...
But we can improve life, together?
Please try the tools for free (Pirated Versions are free) until you can pay for it (software makers are poor too.)
What do I do now?
Go to this web page:
Search for this below term:
Download the software.
Try it, use it, and learn it from many others. The software is easy. I used it when I was in America for 1 month. Third-world countries are using it to protect their computers, their investments. You should be able to understand the software easily and find learning resources easily in English.
I have done your work for you; here is o

HellRace (2008-10-31)

Thanks alot [Learnings]!
Really helped me alot!
You deserve to be praised as a god of teaching newbies new stuff

deecrepit (2008-11-26)

more direction please. format flash drive.then copy files? including the iso? or just copy the other 2 files and burn the iso to a disk and install that to the flash??

jgwhitaker (2009-01-16)

It all sounds great until you realise it only works on the PC you installed it on because XP installs that PC's hardware. Crashorama on any other machine.

nedford5 (2009-07-24)

Any way to tweak your insert your own key for the o.s in the iso.

nedford5 (2009-07-24)

P.S. this expierence guy is brilliant!

nedford5 (2009-07-24)

And so what if it only run on the p.c. you installed it on it's still a great just incase tool to use if you get screwed. So how do you tweak the o.s. keys in the iso.., sorry didn't notice my comments the list is awful long.

Pheaton79 (2010-02-04)

Damn, I love this Community every one just helping one another because of general love for a fellow person looking to learn. There should be an International TPB BBQ held once a year to celebrate a thriving community of people from all backgrounds and walks of life,lol. Also I would personally like to thank eXPerience I've used his Tweeked out OS' for a long time now, and base alot of my work on his platform, additionally i would like to thank Protocol22 for his use full upload and for taking the time out to explain the process. THANK YOU!

capridrifter (2010-08-27)

downloaded scanned no virus, but I could not get it to boot from the burned install disk, believe me I tried all night, I got an older ASUS computer running win7 and I needed to update my bios and stupid Microsoft wont let ASUS drivers run on 7!

capridrifter (2010-08-29)

Ok, tracked down part of the problem to a faulty cable, I burned and booted up the install disk after I formatted the drive to NTFS, install will run up to where it recognizes the disks, then install freezes up, I do not believe its a problem with the install ISO directly because I used another one and it did the same thing, I did manage to get as far as clicking "return" to install to partition, then get an error saying "WINDOWS CANNOT RECOGNIZE DRIVE" or something to that affect.
I did double check and make sure my computer supports booting from USB or 2gb sd card and it does, I tried with both a PNY 2gb card and a Kingston 2gb usb stick.
anybody got any idea's?

8ax_ (2012-10-13)

Downloaded at 85kB/s, will seed with my 64kB/s connection.