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World of Warcraft - WOTLK 3.3.5a (Mac Intel) -
World of Warcraft - WOTLK 3.3.5a (Mac Intel) -
2011-09-19 (by DoubleG8)
####### WORLD OF WARCRAFT - WOTLK 3.3.5a (Mac Intel Version) #######
This is a CLEANSED version of a previous World of Warcraft - WOTLK 3.3.5a torrent
which can be found elsewhere... This version has has all the patch installers, cache files, user data, and add-ons removed so that it is as compact as possible.
NOTE: This version of WoW is already configured to utilize as
the realm server and more information / registration can be found at ... However, by changing the file - it can be
configured for other servers (tested, working).
Many gigabytes of unnecessary data were removed and there should be no problems with
the unzipping of this file now. Also, this version is for Intel Macintosh systems
only, and has been tested with OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and OS X 10.7 (Lion).
EXTRA INFO: To unzip, right click on the .zip file and select 'Open With ->' then use
'Archive Utility' (green icon) to unzip the folder... Do NOT use The
Unarchiver or StuffIt Expander as these do not work properly.
Thanks and enjoy!!
####### (c) - DoubleGate / 18 September 2011 #######
Files count:
16938.43 Mb
ravenland (2011-09-19)
@DoubleG8Thank you for the Mac OS version of the original torrent. Hopefully this will be the most seeded Mac OS Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a (12340) torrent.
FOR WINDOWS: Original Molten WoW torrent is here:
odan47 (2011-09-20)
Yes thank you! Will seed as best I can...boonick (2011-09-20)
seed pleaseodan47 (2011-09-21)
Thanks again for this, I've never played on a private server before - it's fun! Will seed @ 20megabits for the next 7 hoursnormalegg (2011-09-22)
Private server or cracked? cause thatd be great not dropping 15 a monthDoubleG8 (2011-09-24)
This is a private server version... It's FREE (no $15 per month fee) forever to play. Not cracked at all, it's the vanilla version of WoW 3.3.5a; just edited to work with Molten-WoW. Please find more information / register at:
Thanks and enjoy!
SECT10N8 (2011-09-25)
Logging into molten server ... keeps updating to Cataclysm 4.0 wtf! what am I doing wrong?DoubleG8 (2011-09-25)
From the forums:- What is auto-patching and how can i prevent it?
-- Auto-patching is done by the Launcher Tool which updates your World of Warcraft to the latest blizzard patch (which is not 3.3.5a).
-- In order to prevent this make sure you set your file (in the WTF directory) to:
SET realmlist ""
SET patchlist ""
Also, ensure your using your USERNAME NOT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, that 'Show Launcher' on the login screen is UNSELECTED, and check:
* You're on Patch 3.3.5a (Yes, TRUE with this torrent...)
* You created your account with and verified it through e-mail. (This one is on you...)
* Your using Wow.exe and NOT Launcher.exe (doesn't apply to this torrent...)
You shouldn't have any of these issues with this torrent on a Mac system...
So, if someone has downloaded this and had it work, could please post that THIS torrent is working great - I would appreciate it!!
Datswatshesaid (2011-09-26)
too many peers/leechers ;(Datswatshesaid (2011-09-27)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEEDMissHellman (2011-09-29)
SEEED PLEASE :(Drycleaner123 (2011-09-29)
seed plz...Pr0fii (2011-09-30)
noob question..Do i login with email address or username?
Drycleaner123 (2011-09-30)
username on molten wowjuggilin (2011-10-11)
Hey just spend about a week downloading this and it won't unpack, what's up with that?coop02 (2011-10-14)
Please seed as much as you can people, I am downloading from wired ethernet connection, straight into my router, and still going to have to wait for at least 24 hours! :( I will seed for around 4 days at 250kb/s when finished.busta98 (2011-10-30)
seed plz! im only getting 20kbps at maxLineotu (2011-11-06)
Guys dont stop seeding please it's taking forever to download it ....octojofo (2011-11-13)
icebruno (2011-11-18)
I downloaded it and it doesn't work, i open the file wow.exe then i select Rx Archive Utility 10.6 and it opens then close automatically.W8ng for answer plz.
icebruno (2011-11-18)
Hi, I downloaded Wow 3.3.5a for mac and it doesn't work ...elidios (2011-11-22)
Seed pleaseee! i really wanna play thiselidios (2011-11-22)
i beg u guys, please seedelidios (2011-11-22)
seed pleaseeeConstrictedX (2011-12-05)
This doesnt just work on Intel Mac's , Im Running this fine on a PowerMac G5 with Leopard 10.5.8 :)Iond (2011-12-06)
Great! Everything works fine! Thanx! I am seeding til I can!Verdux (2011-12-11)
I downloaded this, it works amazingly well. Only problem is has queues... :(. BUT You can change the logon server as far as I can tell. The reason I haven't yet, is because when I tried to change the logon server to a different server host (pleaseland WoW) I accidentally deleted it... Now I have to download again and it's on an average of 7.2kb/s PLEASE SEED!!! I have been downloading this AGAIN for over a week now still not done!! This is an amazing torrent please seed! My rule is always seed AT LEAST what I downloaded otherwise there are too many leechers not enough seeders and the torrent slowly disappears.Verdux (2011-12-11)
One more thing in case you guys are wondering if it works on your mac these are my main specs:Late 2011 MacBook Pro 15"
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 ("About This Mac")
750GB Hard Drive
Memory: 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 ("About This Mac")
I am running OS X 10.7.2 Lion. It's the latest as far as I am aware.
Graphics Card(s):
AMD Radeon HD 6770 1GB VRam (I use this one when playing WoW)
Intel HD 3000 356MB VRam (I use this one when doing everything else)
Verdux (2011-12-11)
One more thing. The actual size of this torrent is 17.76GB I'm not sure why it says 16.54GB. Also it's in a .zip file, so the actually file will be ALOT larger (the download will be 17.76GB but when you unzip the download it will be a much larger app on your computer). Just follow the instructions DoubleG8 kindly posted and everything works fine (for me at least).StumpyMcShiverMeTimbers (2011-12-12)
How did you accidentally delete this trying to change the realmlist? At 17+ GBs it's not easy to delete without noticing. All you have to do is open the file located in /Data/enUS and fill in the server of your choice. I don't play on Molten because of the "donation" rewards and I've found an x1 server with fewer bugs, but I didn't have any trouble updating my realmlist.markus332 (2012-01-14)
i play on molten wow And love the donate Option And the there is a 1x pure blizzlike realm with no bugs once so ever have a lvl 80 paladin 5.1k gs char on there didn't have one bug and 1 feb cataclysm realm is luanched wil be bit buggy but not as much as other servers like wowbeez Molten till the end BTW IME A DONATOR TO MOLTENmadferitt (2012-01-18)
seed it plsss, my speed is too low. pls seedmadferitt (2012-01-19)
guysss seeed iittttbemani573 (2012-01-29)
Since this is the WotLK expansion pack, do you have to have the original WoW to be able to run this, or is it able to run as a standalone?indexpirate (2012-02-07)
The new cataclysm realms have been opened!lynvspudge (2012-02-10)
where i can find the cataclysm for mac?madferitt (2012-02-15)
i am trying to download, but it takes for a while, pls seed itpiizda (2012-02-21)
Im playing on molten for over 2 years.I suggest you better most bug free server.
And yes, Cataclysm is up. World is way too bugged.
Only reason to play on Cataclysm realm is if you wish to help reporting all the bugs. Couse this is main reason why they need people on cataclysm realm.
dackdel (2012-04-02)
can you play dota on this?bramdidly (2012-04-26)
when i try to log in it sais i need to patch and starts patching, what do i do ?bramdidly (2012-04-26)
i know this is from a while ago but any info on how to get this working would be awesome, when i log in it starts dowloading an update and then sais patch required, what do i do ?chelsabian (2012-04-29)
@bramdidlyYou need to sign in with your Molten USERNAME. NOT email. It will automatically patch if you enter your email.
And to everyone, when I try to unarchive it, it just says, "Unable to archive (file) into Downloads Error 1 - operation not permitted
Do I just try unzipping it somewhere else?
bammjjj (2012-06-13)
Seed please seed download so slow!apapija (2012-06-19)
Seed please seed download so slow!xstheart (2012-08-02)
Please, if you're done with the download, SEED!!ZwDaViD (2012-08-26)
seedZwDaViD (2012-08-27)
please seed please ......lowwwwZwDaViD (2012-08-27)
mannnnn pleaseZwDaViD (2012-08-27)
please seedZwDaViD (2012-08-27)
pleasejjsydroo (2012-09-20)
Seed, bastards!TwoBlues13 (2012-09-25)
Guys i know there is 52 comments and half of them are telling you to seed but please do, at least for a day, how do you think you got the game in the first place? people seeded for you.ryballs (2012-11-26)
after waiting a lifetime to get it im seeding this forever.. help the tpb community by doing the same on large files with shit seed:leecher ratio like this one. thx for the up DoubleGBwowcak (2012-12-25)
PLEASE SEED!! THANK YOU :Dmentalist-ella (2013-01-21)
I'm gonna say what others already said! plz seed you're not gonna die or something if u seed you know? its taking me one week and 3 days to download so please seed!3pic0si7y (2013-01-21)
My estimated time for completion is 1 week, 6 days. I think I'm find some other way to get this....In the meantime, I'll still download it so that, when it's done, I can help with seeding.
deviantsin (2013-02-11)
seeeeeeeeeeeeed pllllllzzzzz 50kb/s is patheticdeviantsin (2013-02-12)
anyone having problems with quitting the game??game runs fine other than it freezing after quiting and im running macbook pro retina mid 2012 16gb ram
Ziggy2by2 (2013-02-27)
For those of you having problems playing on Lich King realms. Please follow these steps:1. Create a notepad file
2. Paste this in the notepad: set realmlist
3. Save the file
4. Copy and paste the file in the Molten WoW Language folder.
Should do the trick. I will create a new torrent for Windows and Mac when 4.3.4 comes out for molten early March.
venom6662 (2013-04-10)
This is the best wow expansion best game play and best story line i still play it to this day on eternal wow because i loved it so much makes me feel like im back on retailpaco50051 (2013-09-19)
When I try to unzip it, I get Error 1 and doesn't let me (I am using "Archive Utility")irati (2013-12-31)
Downloaded in less than an hour. Now seeding. Thanks.Iceyfloes (2014-02-11)
Seed please, and thank you =)sfalle (2014-10-03)
1. WOTLK 3.3.5a - 16938.43 Mb