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Wii Virtual Console pack NTSC
Wii Virtual Console pack NTSC
2008-04-26 (by ruister)
A pack of Virtual Console games for NTSC-U Wii. + Wad installer 1.2
Use Twilight hack or the included Trucha signer (with working key! just import the .reg) to modify an iso if you have a modchip.
Comix Zone
Donkey Kong Country 1 - 3
Paper Mario 64
Punch Out!
Mario 64
1080 Snowboarding
Bomberman '93
Contra 3
Donkey Kong
Donkey King Jr.
Gunstar Heros
Harvest Moon
Ice Climbers
Kid Ikarus
King of Fighters '94
Mario Kart 64
Kirby's Adventure
Street Fighter II Turbo
Sin & Punishment
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2 (lost levels)
Super Mario Bros. 3
Starfox 64
Streets of Rage 2
Legend of Zelda A link to the past
Ocarina of time
Files count:
580.40 Mb
ruister (2008-04-26)
BTW Limited bandwidth, but I haven't seen a collection like this out there so please help seed! :)sandymacjr (2008-04-27)
ericcarr (2008-04-27)
If you don't have a modded wii, can you play these?gamemax (2008-04-27)
ericcarr: if you have zelda twilight princess, you canrooker156 (2008-05-03)
Word of advice. No not accidently install any games that you have bought through the wii shop channel. If you remove the wad you will screw up your account, and it will act like you never bought it, and want you to re-download it. Other then that, these work great.thaddiusprigg (2008-05-05)
You're going to have to clarify on that one.If you have some of those games can you just not put those on the SD card? Is the wad installer encoded with an expected list of games? Or does it just take whatever is in the folder?
rooker156 (2008-05-06)
It takes whatever is in the folder. All I am saying is that if you have an games that you purchased from the wii shop. DO NOT by mistake upload the WADs for it to your system. You will break the original.thaddiusprigg (2008-05-06)
Cool. Thanks for the tip.dawnraider (2008-06-07)
so i can just put these on an sd card and i can play them or do i need to do something else?Tysss (2008-06-09)
dawnraider (And everyone else):You'll need to do twilight hack. Use google.
Then install "The Homebrew channel" with it.
Put things in the apps package (from homebrew channel homesite, above) on root of your sd card, and in apps folder, put the wad installer in a new folder, and rename the .dol/.elf to boot.dol/.elf
Then make a new folder to the root of SD, and rename it to "WAD". then just put wad files that you want to install in "wad" folder, and open wad installer in homebrew channel. After the software finishes, you'll have new channels - games, just like if you downloaded them from wii shop.
-if you want software, snes9x is good emulator.
-TPB has few good packs for homebrew channel
-google code has lots of wii hombrew software, check it out ;)
-a gamecube controller is very, very useful (in some cases, it is the only chance) with homebrew.
-get a unffical snes9x, if you want to use it ;)
I hope you understanded, even that my english isn't very good. =)
AeriusZ (2008-06-24)
Just for clarification, I need to use this WAD method rather than burning to disc (ISO) if I have a modded Wii using the D2C chip?oblachubs (2008-07-15)
I have a similar ? as AeriusZ. If I have a new D2CPro V2 mod chip installed do I need to go through all this? If not what? Thanks.whitesentry (2008-10-10)
do you still need a classic controller to play these with homebrew?AntAreS26 (2008-11-26)
Will it work on a Wii NTSC-J (Japanese wii)?AntAreS26 (2008-11-26)
@whitesentry I bought Super Mario 64 and it must have the classic controller to start the game.Files:
1. NTSC VC/1080.Snowboarding.N64.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 28.70 Mb
2. NTSC VC/Bomberman.'93.VC.NTSC.WII-wiivc.rar 12.71 Mb
3. NTSC VC/Comix.Zone.VC.NTSC.Wii-WiiVC/Comix.Zone.VC.NTSC.Wii-wiivc.rar 13.71 Mb
4. NTSC VC/Comix.Zone.VC.NTSC.Wii-WiiVC/wiivc.nfo 223 bytes
5. NTSC VC/Contra3.SNES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 14.31 Mb
6. NTSC VC/Donkey.Kong.Country.NTSC-U.Wii.wii-vc.rar 16.43 Mb
7. NTSC VC/Donkey.Kong.Country2.SNES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 21.11 Mb
8. NTSC VC/Donkey.Kong.Country3.SNES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA/dkc3.wad 16.99 Mb
9. NTSC VC/Donkey.Kong.Country3.SNES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 16.99 Mb
10. NTSC VC/Donkey.Kong.Jr.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 11.43 Mb
11. NTSC VC/Donkey.Kong.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 11.49 Mb
12. NTSC VC/Gunstar_Heroes_.rar 12.37 Mb
13. NTSC VC/Harvest.Moon.SNES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 14.74 Mb
14. NTSC VC/Ice.Climbers.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 11.49 Mb
15. NTSC VC/Kid.Icarus.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 11.75 Mb
16. NTSC VC/King.Of.Fighters.94.NEOGEO.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 37.33 Mb
17. NTSC VC/Kirbys.Adventure.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 12.52 Mb
18. NTSC VC/MarioKart64-VC-NTSC.rar 24.41 Mb
19. NTSC VC/Metroid.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 12.00 Mb
20. NTSC VC/Paper.Mario.64.VC.NTSC-U.Wii-iCsCrEW/Paper.Mario.64.VC.NTSC-U.Wii-iCsCrEW.rar 40.28 Mb
21. NTSC VC/Punch.Out!.Nes.VC.NTSC.Wii-iCsCrEW/Punch.Out!.Nes.VC.NTSC-U.Wii-iCsCrEW.rar 11.85 Mb
22. NTSC VC/SF.II.TURBO.VC.Wii-wiivc.rar 15.27 Mb
23. NTSC VC/Sin.&.Punishment.VC.NTSC.Wii-wiivc.rar 44.93 Mb
24. NTSC VC/smbnes.rar 11.55 Mb
25. NTSC VC/StarFOX 64 NTSC.rar 25.86 Mb
26. NTSC VC/Streets.Of.Rage.2.Genesis.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 13.09 Mb
27. NTSC VC/Super.Mario.64.NTSC.VC.Wii-WaLMaRT/m64.n-wlmrt.nfo 7.53 Kb
28. NTSC VC/Super.Mario.64.NTSC.VC.Wii-WaLMaRT/m64.n-wlmrt.part1.rar 14.31 Mb
29. NTSC VC/Super.Mario.64.NTSC.VC.Wii-WaLMaRT/m64.n-wlmrt.part2.rar 6.22 Mb
30. NTSC VC/Super.Mario.Bros.2.Lost.Levels.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 12.16 Mb
31. NTSC VC/Super.Mario.Bros.3.NES.VC.Wii.NTSC-ZETA.rar 12.43 Mb
32. NTSC VC/Super.Mario.World.VC.NTSC-U.Wii.wii-vc.rar 12.75 Mb
33. NTSC VC/The.Legend.of.Zelda.ALttP-REPACK.rar 14.17 Mb
34. NTSC VC/trucha021.rar 70.29 Kb
35. NTSC VC/ 170.87 Kb
36. NTSC VC/Zelda.Ocarina.VC.NTSC.Wii-wiivc.rar 44.79 Mb