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2008-06-21 (by AiTB )


SAMPLE, info

Files count:



695.21 Mb




2008Torrenter (2008-06-22)

hows the audio?
anyway ill be seeding when im done
please seed as much as you can!!

PoisonOne (2008-06-22)

Screenshots - Trailer and all release info is here

Fanar (2008-06-22)

I'll wait till the Dvdrip,
And thank you very much!

okeefe58 (2008-06-22)

I looked at a bunch of these screeners and this is the best one -closer to full screen instead of widescreen -sound is 10 -others are echoy, cant understand -not quite sure how to rate video on a screener compared to a dvd, but its good for a screener

snappleboy (2008-06-22)

spoiler alert Bruce Willis is dead the whole time!!!!! no, seriously don't anybody ruin this for us, i'm super excited

Th3ador (2008-06-22)

The quality of this film is amazing for a cam plus its true wide screen.
Thanks for the upload.

yepmeagain (2008-06-23)

This seems to be a SENSORED version of the film!
Notice that most bloody scenes were removed:
- in the beginningat the park: the hairpin-neck-stabbing scene
- at the zoo, the lion rips-mans-arm-off-scene in also missing
at that point I stopped watching and will now look for a full version

HYDRO4LIFE-- (2008-06-23)

If only all cams/TS could be as good as this one..
thank you

Sikkwolf (2008-06-23)

ok look, I understand watching an M Night movie out of morbid curiosity to see just how much stupider the man can possibly get... But you kids are actually into this bs... The village wasn't enough eh? Lady in the water didn't end it for you either eh? Well this sack of shit should, the trees did man, they can talk to the shrubs and the grass releases neurostimulants causing people to whack themselves in incredibly idiotic ways!!!! Hey how about the cops gun that never runs out of bullets as people hand it down through rush hour traffic and shoot themselves? Bantha poo doo.

mymy (2008-06-23)

two words: stupid movie

TantalosTantalos (2008-06-23)

so bad movie it's hard to beleive they ever released it!

mrmitchell (2008-06-23)

I believe this video file may be a censored or cut version of the film. Some scenes do not seem to be complete or as graphic as I had read them being described. You've been warned. Correct me if i'm wrong.

buff24seven (2008-06-23)

well if your like me and you like reading comments about a movie i have one for you....this movie has some of the worse acting Ive seen in minute...mark wahlberg really shows that he cant act in this one i thought he sucked in the planet of the apes as well....what a all around shitty movie.

dumidukade (2008-06-23)

seeed plz

solidsnake2730 (2008-06-23)

Trees kill people WTF. Lame ASS MOVIE

Languine (2008-06-23)

Good video and audio quality, but an absolutely terrible movie with absolutely terrible acting.

Shadeztreez (2008-06-23)

i usually leave my comments for a dl on quality of the dl it's self but i just have to say; i was so excited to see this movie and went to the theater to watch it and couldn't believe how bad of a movie it actually was. i mean marky mark did better acting in his music videos for god sake, seemed like they tried to capture the emotion of the circumstance and just failed miserably. watch it if you must but do not pay for it cause you will be sooo pissed, and if you dl it and watch it afterwards you will realize you just wasted 90 minutes of your life when you could have been pounding the wife or something.

MrOsborn (2008-06-24)

Everyone is saying this is terrible but I can't resist. After 1408 I'll give anything a try!

merks91 (2008-06-24)


zylle1 (2008-06-24)

Lækker quality.. v:7-8 a- 8..
Længe siden man har set så god en cam.. Hatten a for det :0)

pc39707 (2008-06-24)

The fact that this piece of crap got greenlighted is in itself a happening. M. Night Shyamalan shouldn't be allowed near a movie camera.

talamos (2008-06-24)

Usually M Night films have you on the edge of the seat, only to cop out with terribly shit endings. This one was refreshingly different in that you won't give a crap about any of the characters, there is no suspense and when it ends you will hate yourself for having wasted 90 minutes of your life that you WILL NEVER GET BACK. Trust me, take the time to read my post again, I cannot stress enough how bad this film is. If after reading this a second time you still bother to dl and watch it then I guarentee, you will be wishing you read it a third time and took my advice. DON'T DO IT. This film has absolutely nothing good in it, it is a complete and total waste of time. The ONLY good thing I can see coming out of this is the end of this cunts career (GOD PLEASE). Download porn, play with the fluff that collects in your navel, stab 6 inch nails into your genitals, really NOTHING can be worse than this movie.

michaelrwatson (2008-06-24)

This cam has very noticeable flicker, if that's something that bothers you. It's headache-inducing if nothing else. So many downloaders are in for a nasty surprise.....

deathsponge (2008-06-24)

After Reading Shadeztreez and talamos's comments i want to watch even more now, just to see if i should have pounded the missus and/or drove 6 inch nails into my scrotum. But i will wait for the full movie, at least then i might just frogo the genital iron mongery.

Narkjoe36 (2008-06-24)

After reading these comments, I can't resist. It probably is terrible, and shitty and all that. However after all that flack, how can anyone resist?

Narkjoe36 (2008-06-24)

Sorry for the double post, but I've been having this problem with many torrents. I have 15+ seeders, but I am still only getting ~5 kb/s. I keep all of my previous torrents active (meaning I keep seeding), so I don't quite know what's up. Thanks in advance....

iwishiwasrich (2008-06-24)

M. Night Shyamalan films have always sucked, Signs was OK but it was more a comedy than a thriller, The Village? Lady in the stupid water? Sixth Sence? I liked Stir Of Echos better than that borefest. Whatever other crappy movies he did, this one is not the worst, it's OK.

grammarsoft (2008-06-24)

I've never seen a movie by Shyamalan... So I say to myself, oh what the heck... big waste of 40 minutes of bandwidth...

UnitedNations (2008-06-24)

dukez91 (2008-06-25)

M Night Shyamalan should not be allowed to go within 100 meters of a camera ever again.
i think every one of his films was a waste of time (although the 6th sense was decent for its time). i fell asleep during 'signs', 'lady in the water', and most especially 'the village'.
duno of the quality of this vid tho, i just felt it necessary to comment on the terrible films that have been created by M.N.S.

devanz2008 (2008-06-25)

On a quick inspection Ok quality,audios pretty good not to tinny,videos a little discolored and blurry but still 100 percent watchable thanks for the up AiTB
Nice 1!!!

Y2K2000 (2008-06-25)

Hav seen dis movie trust me every1 wen i say dis is da worst movie an biggest load of shite iv seen in years!! DONT DOWNLOAD

Tortured-Raven (2008-06-25)

its watchable, but i noticed when i watched it that like the first scene was cut. I saw it in theatres and it might be cut because it was foriegn. more scenes are prolly cut, im not going to waste my time finding out though.

notna001 (2008-06-25)

great movie.
Shitty video quality.

fr4th0 (2008-06-25)

Best cam version I've seen so far, but still around 7 quality at best.

panthrobrfloripa (2008-06-25)

Ainda nao assisti, mas tem uma qualidade boa de audio/video! E, esta sem nenhuma legenda, valeu pra quem filmou este !

pokeeeeeee (2008-06-26)

Just saw it in the theater...It was full of gore and mystery but the acting was horrible. Marky Mark should never do film again. He is not believable and makes me want to cry. Oh and that chick in the movie is kinda hot, but dopey as hell and should have her acting license revoked. M. Knight you need to stop using hack actors!

Hot Rodny (2008-06-27)

this was a good movie. It is good that mr. Shyamalan dares to be different from the other boys in the class and make movies out of the ordinary.
It wasn't typically "man have family, someone kills them, he swears revenge, he kills everyone" or this "everything MUST have a happy ending and the bad guy must die" know what i mean.
If someone wanna see a unordinary movie, this would be it.

tinuviel949 (2008-06-27)

If you notice; only the whiners come in here to post about movies
to think about. These are the same whiny fucks who hated Lord of the Rings, E.T. and Silence of the Lambs.
Use your fucking brain and make up your own minds about which movie u want to see and which ones you dont. These pussies think they're leonard maltin or some shit.

bradshaw1 (2008-06-27)


thankYouSir (2008-06-27)

@ tinuveil949: good point..but if you think about it for a second you'll realize that you're whining too.
BTW this movie

Anadorr (2008-06-28)

Bad quality, I don't recommend watching it...

isimmoo (2008-06-28)

what a fucken shit movie

groveinthedark (2008-06-29)

thank you for the upload...
v 7
a 7

gusman (2008-06-29)

don't even bother...this shit copyis edited to cut out the good parts. It's PG, not R, get another copy.

Pappapopper (2008-06-30)

The Crappening. This movie is utter garbage. And to think this man gave us "Signs"...

tinuviel949 (2008-06-30)

@ thank you sir, clearly you arent old enough to understand so heres some help smartass: we all know what this movie is supposed to be about but what we DONT know is the quality. hope that wasnt too far over ur head. time for u to get out of mommy's basement and go play with the big kids before you start looking just like her.
And by the way-this movies' quality (a/v) does in fact, blow but it's telesync, by now u should know what that means.

krisq2 (2008-06-30)

Oh my god i'm so glad that i didn't spent money on this in cinema, it's so shit. It's like one of those low budget movies. But thanks anyway for the upload.

krisq2 (2008-06-30)

Hey i love to watch all sorts of movies, and because i don't like this one it doesn't mean that i have bad taste, play was crap sometimes i was loughing but not because there was funny parts, but because acting was so bad. C'mon u don't need to be move critc to see that.

jwheazy (2008-06-30)

comments are for quality of audio & video....if i want to get some reviews, i will IMBD it.

jwheazy (2008-06-30)

also keep the quality in context
its a TS, so its not going to be perfect quality anything, but please say its a 7/10 for a TS & dont rate it a 1/10 because you are comparing it to a Blue Ray

momarortotinon (2008-07-01)

this movie sucks so hard its unbelievable!

JesterheadSWE (2008-07-01)

Who the fuck cares about what you have to say about the movie itself?! If you're going to leave a comment, just say something about problems with donwloading or maybe how the A/V quality was. Thank you!

HOODLUMpirate (2008-07-02)

A: 5
V: 4

somdras (2008-07-03)
