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ID&T Top 500 Best Dancetracks Ever










2008-07-26 (by mtlrlz)


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Underworld - Born Slippy (3:45) 2. DJ Tiesto - Flight 643 (9:04) 3. Delerium - Silence (6:23) 4. DJ Tiesto - Traffic (7:03) 5. Energy 52 - Cafe del Mar (3:49) 6. Jones & Stephenson - First Rebirth (6:03) 7. Motorcycle - As the Rush Comes (10:35) 8. Rank 1 - Breathing (Airwave) (8:32) 9. Cygnus X - The Orange Theme (5:48) 10. Faithless - Imsomnia (3:33) 11. Ce Ce Peniston - Finally (3:43) 12. Moby - Go (3:59) 13. Paul van Dyk - Another Way (3:25) 14. Speedy J - Pull Over (3:00) 15. Svenson & Gielen - Twisted (3:05) 16. Deepack - Here's Johnny (6:52) 17. Cygnus X - Superstring (3:10) 18. William Orbit - Barbers Adagio for strings (6:31) 19. Felix - Don't you want me (5:35) 20. Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (9:44) 21. Rank 1 - Such is life (3:41) 22. DJ Tiesto - Lethal Industry (6:45) 23. Marco V - Godd (6:15) 24. Armani & Ghost - Airport (5:43) 25. Conjure One - Tears from the moon (8:09) 26. South Side Spinners - Luvstruck (3:14) 27. Marco V - Simulated (7:48) 28. Grooveyard - Mary Go Wild (3:01) 29. DJ Tiesto - Magik Journey (8:34) 30. Paul van Dijk - For an Angel (3:50) 31. Sensation - Anthem 2003 (9:04) 32. Jaydee - Plastic Dreams (3:00) 33. Prodigy - No Good (6:17) 34. Ferry Corsten - Rock your body Rock (6:50) 35. Ricky Fobis - No regular (6:29) 36. DJ Tiesto - Suburban Train (8:24) 37. Ferry Corsten - Punk (7:37) 38. Incognito - Always There (3:34) 39. Andain - Beautiful Things (9:30) 40. LA Style - James Brown is dead (5:40) 41. Robert Miles - Children (4:04) 42. System F - Out Of The Blue (6:39) 43. KLF - What Time is Love (9:00) 44. Benni Benassi - Satisfaction (4:09) 45. Jeff Mills - The Bells (4:45) 46. Faithless - God is a DJ (8:05) 47. Cosmic Gate - The Truth (3:35) 48. Svenson & Gielen - Beauty of silence (9:01) 49. Layo & Buschwacka - Lovestory (5:12) 50. Dido - White Flag (3:42) 51. Chicane - Salt water (3:31) 52. Baby D - Let me be your fantasy (3:47) 53. Ard & Jorn - 16 (3:08) 54. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (5:42) 55. Phats & Small - Turn Around (3:46) 56. Gouryella - Gouryella (8:25) 57. Nalin & Kane - Beachball (7:26) 58. Paul Van Dyk - Nothing But You (3:35) 59. Armand van helden - You dont know me (4:02) 60. DJ Tiesto - In My Memory (6:06) 61. RMB - Spring (6:16) 62. BBE - Seven days and one week (4:29) 63. Wild Child - Renegade master (3:50) 64. Gigi D'agostino - L'amour Toujours (6:56) 65. Olive - You're not alone (4:11) 66. Duke - So in love with you (3:53) 67. Scoop - Drop it (3:43) 68. Svenson & Gielen - Beachbreeze (7:04) 69. Joey Beltram - Energy Flash (5:30) 70. Michel de Hey - Another sweater (7:07) 71. Snap - Rhytem is a dancer (5:31) 72. Kernkraft 400 - Zombie nation (3:30) 73. Cor Fijneman - Venus (7:31) 74. Deepest Blue - Deepest Blue (3:24) 75. Sunclub - Fiesta (4:12) 76. DJ Sammy - Sunlight (4:00)

Files count:



3231.79 Mb




mtlrlz (2008-07-26)

496 tracks in playlist, average track length: 5:14
Playlist length: 43 hours 21 minutes 57 seconds
Playlist files:
1. Underworld - Born Slippy (3:45)
2. DJ Tiesto - Flight 643 (9:04)
3. Delerium - Silence (6:23)
4. DJ Tiesto - Traffic (7:03)
5. Energy 52 - Cafe del Mar (3:49)
6. Jones & Stephenson - First Rebirth (6:03)
7. Motorcycle - As the Rush Comes (10:35)
8. Rank 1 - Breathing (Airwave) (8:32)
9. Cygnus X - The Orange Theme (5:48)
10. Faithless - Imsomnia (3:33)
11. Ce Ce Peniston - Finally (3:43)
12. Moby - Go (3:59)
13. Paul van Dyk - Another Way (3:25)
14. Speedy J - Pull Over (3:00)
15. Svenson & Gielen - Twisted (3:05)
16. Deepack - Here's Johnny (6:52)
17. Cygnus X - Superstring (3:10)
18. William Orbit - Barbers Adagio for strings (6:31)
19. Felix - Don't you want me (5:35)
20. Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (9:44)
21. Rank 1 - Such is life (3:41)
22. DJ Tiesto - Lethal Industry (6:45)
23. Marco V - Godd (6:15)
24. Armani & Ghost - Airport (5:43)
25. Conjure One - Tears from the moon (8:09)
26. South Side Spinners - Luvstruck (3:14)
27. Marco V - Simulated (7:48)
28. Grooveyard - Mary Go Wild (3:01)
29. DJ Tiesto - Magik Journey (8:34)
30. Paul van Dijk - For an Angel (3:50)
31. Sensation - Anthem 2003 (9:04)
32. Jaydee - Plastic Dreams (3:00)
33. Prodigy - No Good (6:17)
34. Ferry Corsten - Rock your body Rock (6:50)
35. Ricky Fobis - No regular (6:29)
36. DJ Tiesto - Suburban Train (8:24)
37. Ferry Corsten - Punk (7:36)
38. Incognito - Always There (3:34)
39. Andain - Beautiful Things (9:30)
40. LA Style - James Brown is dead (5:40)
41. Robert Miles - Children (4:04)
42. System F - Out Of The Blue (6:39)
43. KLF - What Time is Love (9:00)
44. Benni Benassi - Satisfaction (4:09)
45. Jeff Mills - The Bells (4:45)
46. Faithless - God is a DJ (8:05)
47. Cosmic Gate - The Truth (3:35)
48. Svenson & Gielen - Beauty of silence (9:01)
49. Layo & Buschwacka - Lovestory (5:12)
50. Dido - White Flag (3:42)
51. Chicane - Salt water (3:31)
52. Baby D - Let me be your fantasy (3:47)
53. Ard & Jorn - 16 (3:08)
54. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (5:42)
55. Phats & Small - Turn Around (3:46)
56. Gouryella - Gouryella (8:25)
57. Nalin & Kane - Beachball (7:27)
58. Paul Van Dyk - Nothing But You (3:35)
59. Armand van helden - You dont know me (4:02)
60. DJ Tiesto - In My Memory (6:06)
61. RMB - Spring (6:16)
62. BBE - Seven days and one week (4:29)
63. Wild Child - Renegade master (3:50)
64. Gigi D'agostino - L'amour Toujours (6:56)
65. Olive - You're not alone (4:11)
66. Duke - So in love with you (3:53)
67. Scoop - Drop it (3:43)
68. Svenson & Gielen - Beachbreeze (7:04)
69. Joey Beltram - Energy Flash (5:30)
70. Michel de Hey - Another sweater (7:07)
71. Snap - Rhytem is a dancer (5:31)
72. Kernkraft 400 - Zombie nation (3:30)
73. Cor Fijneman - Venus (7:31)
74. Deepest Blue - Deepest Blue (3:24)
75. Sunclub - Fiesta (4:12)
76. DJ Sammy - Sunlight (4:00)
77. Fatboy Slim - Rockafellar Skank (6:55)
78. Eddy Amador - House Music (3:17)
79. Prodigy - Out of Space (3:43)
80. Sasha - Xpander (11:23)
81. Veracocha - Carte Blance (2:15)
82. Driftwood - Freeloader (3:25)
83. Age of love - Age of love (3:54)
84. Derb - Derb (7:52)
85. DJ Joop - Act Of God (4:14)
86. Hollis P Monroe - I'm lonely (3:47)
87. Ron van Beuken - Timeless (8:24)
88. Tomcraft - Loneliness (5:53)
89. Carlos - The Silmarilia (2:50)
90. Da Hool - Meet her at the Love Parade (7:29)
91. Dj Jean - The launch (3:34)
92. Sensation - Anthem 2002 (9:04)
93. Shakedown - At night (4:15)
94. Gusto - Disco's revenge (3:09)
95. Armin van Buuren - Communication (4:16)
96. Groove Armada - My Friend (5:02)
97. Rank 1 - Awakening (6:02)
98. Renee et Gaston - Vallee de l'armes (7:11)
99. Rui da Silva - Touch Me (8:36)
100. Three Drives - Greece 2000 (7:50)
101. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (9:58)
102. Darude - Sandstorm (3:46)
103. Jason Nevins ft. Run DMC - It's like that (4:08)
104. Red 5 - Da beat goes (3:47)
105. Sander Kleinenberg - My lexicon (8:22)
106. Mousse T

mtlrlz (2008-07-26)

206. Mr Oizo - Fleat Beat (3:53)
207. Santos - Camels (7:32)
208. Push - The legacy (8:53)
209. Massive Attack - Safe from harm (5:19)
210. Madonna - Vogue (8:25)
211. Røyksopp - Eple (3:36)
212. Spiller - Groovejet (7:28)
213. 4 Strings - Take me away into the night (7:02)
214. ATB - Don't stop (5:51)
215. Madison Avenue - Don't call me baby (4:53)
216. Buzzy Bus - Don't Stop (6:10)
217. Capella - U Got 2 Let The Music (3:02)
218. Mantronix - Gotto have your love (4:06)
219. Kosheen - Hide you (5:41)
220. KLF - Last Train to Transcentral (3:35)
221. DJ Isaac - Nobody listens to techno (7:09)
222. Todd Terry Project - Weekend (3:38)
223. Green Velvet - La La Land (5:15)
224. Propellor Heads & Shirley Bassey - History repeating (4:01)
225. Marco V - Cafe Del Marco (8:34)
226. Pink & William Orbit - Feel good time (3:58)
227. Olav Basoski - Opium Scumbagz (8:01)
228. Eiffel 65 - Blue (4:43)
229. Pete Heller - Big love (4:03)
230. Snap - Welcome to tomorrow (6:21)
231. Pulser - My Religion (7:48)
232. Mighty Dubcats - Magic Carpetride (3:59)
233. Syndicate Of Law - Right on Time (5:15)
234. System F - Dance Valley Theme 2001 (9:00)
235. Masters at Work - To be in love (3:29)
236. The Roc Project - Never (3:45)
237. King Bee - Back by dope demand (4:54)
238. Wamdue Project - King of my Castle (3:40)
239. The Boss - On the run (7:25)
240. 2 Unlimited - No Limit (3:31)
241. Afro Medusa - Pasilda (7:07)
242. Artful Dodger - Rewind (4:04)
243. Apollo 440 - Ain't talking 'bout dub (4:31)
244. Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler (5:05)
245. Deepzone - It's gonna be allright (3:49)
246. Aly-us - Follow me (4:13)
247. Kosheen - Catch (3:21)
248. Faithless - We come one (8:19)
249. Krush - House Arrest (3:35)
250. Fierce Ruling Diva - Rubb It In (3:16)
251. Flaman and Abraxas - Good to go (3:30)
252. IIO - Rapture (3:50)
253. The Good Men - Give it up (3:27)
254. James Holden - Horizons (9:23)
255. Future breeze - Why don't you dance with me (5:22)
256. Freakpower - Turn on, tune in, cop out (4:24)
257. Junkie XL - Don't wake up policeman (3:47)
258. Frank 'O'Moiraghi - Spacer (4:01)
259. Negrocan - Cada Vez (7:59)
260. PPK - Resurrection (8:03)
261. Delacy - Hideaway (4:16)
262. Depeche Mode - I feel loved (4:20)
263. Rune - Calabria (5:45)
264. Kylie - Can't get you out of my head (3:51)
265. Deepswing - In the Music (4:50)
266. Stakker Humanoid - Humanoid (4:54)
267. Storm - Storm (3:42)
268. The Beholder & Balistic - Decibel Anthem (7:44)
269. Guru Josh - Infinity (4:03)
270. Jakatta - American Dream (7:04)
271. - C.A.- I begin to wonder (3:46)
272. Itch-E & Scratch-E - You Got Me Running (4:05)
273. Air - All I need (3:59)
274. Harold Faltenmeijer - Axel F (2:54)
275. Armin van Buuren - Sunburn (7:34)
276. Heller & Farley - Ultra Flava (3:44)
277. Danny Tenaglia - Music is the answer (3:48)
278. Kylie - In your eyes (3:20)
279. Darren Tate & Jono Grant - Shine (Let The Light Shine In) (7:57)
280. Delerium - Innocente (4:20)
281. M-People - Moving on up (5:29)
282. Laidback Luke - Rocking with the best (3:40)
283. DK - Murder was the Bass (5:03)
284. Drax - Amphetamine (6:28)
285. Quadrophonia - Quadrophonia (4:19)
286. Future Sound of London - Papua New Guinea (4:59)
287. Jody Watley - Reel love (4:20)
288. Kristine W - Feel what you want (4:09)
289. Jean & Peran - Let yourself go (3:33)
290. Jellybean - The Real Thing (5:36)
291. Galleon - So I begin (3:58)
292. Mauro Picotto - Pulsar (3:12)
293. The Ones - Flawless (3:09)
294. Spooks - Thing I've seen (4:33)
295. Mixmasters - In the mix (4:17)
296. Paul van Dyk - We Are Alive (3:05)
297. Spymaster & Eric Nouhan - Spontaneous (3:45)
298. Daft Punk - Da Funk (5:27)
299. Signum - Push Through (8:55)
300. Soul magic - Soul magic (4:16)
301. Sweet Coffee - Don't Need You (4:12)
302. Sonique - Feel so good (6:02)
303. K-Klass - Talk to me (3:58)
304. Underworld - Two Months Off (3:58)
305. The Riders - Bang! (4:00)
306. Queen & Vanguard - Flash (6:36)
307. Billie Ray Martin - You

mtlrlz (2008-07-26)

406. Bob Sinclair - I feel for you (5:47)
407. Brooklyn Bounce - Club Bizarrr (3:55)
408. Sil - Windows (5:39)
409. Adeva - Respect (4:02)
410. Chicane ft Bryan Adams - Don't give up (3:41)
411. C&C Music Factory - A deeper love (6:06)
412. Rob Base - Get on the dancefloor (4:19)
413. Farley Jackmaster Funk - Love can't turn around (3:44)
414. Kylie - Spinning Around (3:27)
415. David Guetta - Distortion (3:11)
416. David Morales - Needin' U (3:55)
417. De Nuit - All that mattered (3:59)
418. Ruffneck - Everybody be somebody (9:15)
419. Alex Party - Saturday Night Party (3:39)
420. Basement Jaxx - Bingo bango (5:57)
421. Natural Born Chillers - Rock the funky beat (6:28)
422. Elvis vs JXL - A little less conversation (3:34)
423. Pornkings - Up to no good (3:34)
424. Soul II Soul - Back to Life (3:47)
425. 187 Lockdown - Kung-Fu (5:37)
426. Riva - Stringer(who do you love now) (3:24)
427. Alcatraz - Give me love (9:51)
428. Chicane - Offshore (6:46)
429. Blackbox - Strike it up (5:14)
430. Decoy & Roy - Inner life (6:20)
431. The Course - Ain't nobody (3:29)
432. Goldtrix - Is it love (4:25)
433. Joy Kittikonti - Joy energizer (5:19)
434. Kadoc - Nighttrain (3:15)
435. Kings of tommorow - Finally (5:33)
436. C&C Music Factory - Gonna make you sweat (6:48)
437. Living Joy - Dreamer (5:43)
438. Lustral - Everytime (8:48)
439. Mauro Picotto - Like this like that (5:25)
440. Moby - Everytime you touch me (3:52)
441. Strings of Harmony - Sadenes part I and II (3:49)
442. Stuart - Free (3:53)
443. Thrillseekers - Synaesthesia (8:20)
444. Mauro Picotto - New Time, New Place (9:26)
445. Tiga - Hot in herre (3:50)
446. Black & White Brothers - Put your hands up in the air (5:20)
447. Klatsch - Oh boy (3:50)
448. Planet Funk - Chase The Sun (8:01)
449. Svenson & Gielen - Answer the question (8:56)
450. Warp 9 - Whammer slammer (2:50)
451. Tony Scott - That's how I'm living (4:13)
452. Sasha & Darren Anderson - Scorchio (9:31)
453. Robert Owens - I'll be your friend (3:50)
454. Shannon - Let the music play (5:48)
455. Soul Providers - Rise (5:24)
456. Speedy J - Something for your mind (5:26)
457. Technotronic - Pump up the jam (5:24)
458. South Street Player - Who keeps changing your mind (5:15)
459. Sweet Female Attitude - Flowers (4:57)
460. The Bucketheads - The Bomb (3:22)
461. Raven Maze - The real life (6:16)
462. Tim de Luxe - It just won't do (3:20)
463. Timo Maas - Shifter (5:35)
464. Cygnus X - Positron (7:15)
465. Missy Elliot - For my people (3:36)
466. D-Mob - Put your hands together (4:10)
467. Junior Senior - Move your feet (3:02)
468. Jurgen Vries - The Opera Song (9:12)
469. Living Joy - Don't stop moving (3:33)
470. Tina Cousins - Killing time (3:54)
471. Praga Kahn - Injected with poison (5:03)
472. Bob Sinclair - Gymtonic (6:01)
473. Dance Nation - Sunshine (6:44)
474. Bomb the Bass - Winter in July (4:28)
475. Junki XL & Don Davis - Red Pill, Blue Pill (8:58)
476. Lick - Got to move your body (3:24)
477. TC 1992 - Funky guitar (5:00)
478. Benjamin Bates - Locked Up (6:56)
479. Hi-Gate - Pitchin' (8:19)
480. Groove Armada - Superstylin' (6:16)
481. Gypsymen - Barbarati (7:50)
482. M&S ft. The Girl Next Door - Salsoul Nugget (3:26)
483. BranVan3000 - Astounded (3:57)
484. Public Energy - 303 (4:03)
485. Datura - Yerba del Diablo (6:58)
486. Dave Gahan - Dirty sticky floors (12:13)
487. Deee lite - Groove is in the heart (5:11)
488. Delerium - After All (8:58)
489. Apollo 440 - Gruppa (6:14)
490. Dirty Vegas - Days Go By (3:42)
491. Ransom - My dance (6:53)
492. PF Project - Choose life (7:48)
493. St. Germain - Sure thing (6:22)
494. MJ Cole - Crazy Love (3:50)
495. DJ Sammy and Yanou featuring Do - Heaven (3:53)
496. Tony Scott - The Chief (4:22)

Razor225 (2008-07-29)

Absolutely fabulous upload!!
I found alot of songs that played when I was going out a few years ago.
AMAZING SONGS included !
mtlrlz you RULE !

mtlrlz (2008-09-25)

Thanx, Razor225, but the credits must go to those who put this together (Liev?)
I downloaded this some years ago from emule, and keeping it for reference.
glad you guys like it ;)

jackringer (2011-03-11)